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How to “get through” a man, how to understand who exactly is in front of you when you don’t know each other well?! Consider the situation - he invited you on a date... He is waiting for you in a restaurant or cafe. This may be a first or second date, but you will go to lunch (or dinner) together for the first time. This is a unique chance to understand how adequate, generous, and thinks about you, what he is ready for and how he treats women in principle. If he came before you, then you can very easily determine his psychotype. And, based on this, plan your actions and build relationships: Visual - perceives through visual images. He will definitely sit either in the center of the room or by the window. Auditory (quite a rare type) - perceives information through hearing. He will choose the quietest and most secluded place , where music and sounds are least heard. Kinesthetic - perceives the world through sensations. His choice will be based on convenience and comfort. Most likely, it will be a sofa with many pillows. You need to speak different languages ​​with different psychotypes. And if you speak to a man in his language, then, in addition to his consciousness and analytics, you will go straight into the unconscious. You will be able to talk to his “self” and make exactly the impression that you need! How did he meet you?! You approached. How did he react? He got up? Did he help you sit down? If yes, then this indicates that he is well-mannered. And yet - he thinks about you and your convenience. How does he take the menu? If he first gives it to you and offers you to choose something, this is a sure sign - he is ready to invest in you! And if he is ready to invest in you, this means that you are valuable to him. For thought... Remember any thing that you , undoubtedly pleasant, but you got it just like that. As an inheritance or you purchased it very cheaply at a promotion. It’s quite expensive, but you didn’t fight for it, didn’t invest, didn’t count money to buy it. How do you feel about it? As a rule, things that we got “without a fight” are of little value to us. For example, a career or a project on which you spent a huge amount of effort, time, emotions and nerves is of particular pride or significance to you Or take a man as an example: the one for whom you fought at one time, for whom “a lot of blood was shed,” is more dear to you. And the one you got without much effort is less valuable... The same thing happens with men in the case of a woman: the one that you got through a fight, in which a lot of emotions and finances were invested, has the greatest value. How to order from the menu Pay attention to this! Let’s say he says: “It’s so delicious here! Choose what you like!” Ask him to recommend him to you. And if a man recommends you an impressive dish, despite its price, and he also orders something expensive (not a glass of juice or water with lemon), then this is another sure sign of readiness to invest. How does he call the waiter? If the waiter takes a long time, is he nervous? If the waiter comes quickly, how does he talk to him - respectfully or dismissively? Does he give you the opportunity to order first or does he order first? Such seemingly small details can tell you so much about a person. Instructions for action What to do after the first date? If you see his readiness to meet with you again and continue the relationship, then “help” him - give him a ready-made plan for action! - You know, a very interesting film came out this week. I was looking forward to it and really wanted to watch it. Let's go see it together!!! - Do you like the theater? Let's go to the N production. I've been wanting to see her for so long. I will be glad to watch it with you and find out your opinion! It is very important to let him know about his further actions! Invited to your place - PROS and CONS?! Many regard this as an invitation to bed. In fact, everything depends on you and only you. And it depends on how you present yourself. Consider the situation: a man cooks well, he decided to demonstrate his skills. Knowing that you love fish, I decided to cook you sea bass in salt myself. You answer him: “Okay, you.