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“- Fima, you don’t have a face - did you dream about something at night? - Oh, Mark Aronovich, yes, but no!” So, let’s talk, citizens, today is about sleep and dreams. Maybe for their interpretation, in the sense of interpretation of dreams? Well... if only very briefly. So, what happens when your head, weighed down by the day's overload, falls into the pillow? That's right - blackout and deep sleep. Time passes (usually no more than 20-30 minutes) and the brain, having received the rest it needs, switches back to work, but this time on a slightly different plan than the one it had during the day. After a while, he again gets tired of plowing, like Sivka Burka, and again falls into peace and bliss. Again for 20-30 minutes, as a rule. And so several times during the night, with phases of varying depth and duration. So. When the brain is on the “night shift”, when it supervises the repair of all sorts of internal malfunctions of the System, we, among other things, can see dreams (forgive the tautology), saying otherwise, we are dreaming. And here is my first respect and admiration for the perfection of this amazing device called the brain - in addition to its immediate nightly repair activity, it also gives information to the sleeping consciousness, so that when it opens its eyes and comes to its senses after waking up, it suddenly wonders what means what was seen (and most importantly, remembered!) today in a dream. Little of. Psychoanalysts are involved in daytime work with dreams, at the expense of patients, thoughtfully appealing to the activation of the latter’s free associations. All this is very cool. I mean how the brain works. However, there is a nuance. And it lies in the fact that it is completely unclear what triggers the mechanism itself, through which this informational and informative process called dreaming begins. Sigmund Freud noted that there is a lot from daytime, waking life that influences the formation of the dream itself and its content, what influences the plot line and what significance certain details of this unconscious performance may have. However, Freud was not able to definitively answer many questions related to this amazing space. Well, for example, there is no complete understanding of the phenomenon of prophetic dreams, which arise in large numbers among a number of dreamers. And further. Freud, of course, made an invaluable contribution to understanding the nature of unconscious processes, through the royal road leading to this depth, however, it seems to me that he did not reach one important necessity, which is perhaps the most important tool of psychotherapy, following interpretation. I mean living a dream. What does this mean? There is a Taoist parable that tells how one day, somewhere in the area of ​​a certain Taoist river, two monks, adherents of the same branch of Eastern philosophy, met. It is noteworthy that they met on a bridge over this very river. If these were monks from the martial branch, then a fight would inevitably take place in order to find out whose kung fu is thicker. However, our monks were peace-loving people and their discourse concerned things and processes less bodily oriented. And in the process of this measured conversation, one monk asked the other how deep, in the second’s opinion, the river was in this place under the bridge. He, without thinking too long, threw the questioner off the bridge, into the very place about which the question was asked. After a while, the plunger came ashore enlightened, for he knew the depth of the river not from a colleague’s story, but by personally measuring it with his own experience and body. So. The point is precisely that in order to know the true meaning of a dream and, after this, by living the meaning, plot and content of it, to enrich yourself with real experience, you need to directly immerse yourself in the dream ITSELF, in its body, like that very monk. What will this give? If a particular dream or series of such dreams is (felt) extremely important, then living them, with or without the development of the plot, can lead toglobal transformation not only of some behavioral acts, but also to a change in the very structure of the personality, to enriching oneself with new (read - not revealed) qualities, which were given by the Creator at birth, but were successfully archived under the influence of external socio-toxic viruses. In addition, the changes occurring at the neural level will allow us to talk about them not as some conditioned reflex skills that can be lost without systematic reinforcement, but as an irreversible transformation. Well, for example, just like once, having learned to swim or ride a bike, or read and speak our native language, we will not be able to unlearn this, even if there are long breaks in swimming or speaking. In addition, when a person is immersed in the essence of a dream, he lives it or develops the plot, he can get rid of painful conditions, complexes, stereotypes, and lingering chronic illnesses. And this deliverance will take place according to the principle “From now on and forever”. How to do this. Either during a night’s sleep, or with the help of special trance techniques. Both independently and with the participation of your favorite psychotherapist. The main thing here is that the latter does not imagine himself to be the Lord God, a great magician or sorcerer, at whose command everything will be taken, and everything will happen!.. Such professional transformations are not only harmful, but VERY harmful for both. The patient will not be better at all, but the therapist will definitely “arrive” sooner or later. It’s better if he understands everything early. I sometimes watch with sadness how in the Internet space, especially over the last couple of years, newly minted “great Gurus” periodically appear, generating the light of Divine love personally from themselves, guaranteeing enlightenment through their own Divine light or fulfillment all those who came with their beloved love in love with the love of the one who loves him... A vivid illustration of the confused heart of a seeking person, only in the wrong place to look. A true master does not shout loudly to himself. He simply plows for the good of the Soul, led by the Creator and conducting His energy through himself. It is due to this that the factor of therapeutic error or professional burnout is minimized or completely eliminated. Yes, you can talk about yourself, yes, you can share ideas and thoughts, but... you should always try to avoid statements about your affinity, since in almost 100 cases out of 100 this indicates about the fact that a person is in a state of a butterfly pinned on a pin. Only the pin here is the axis of narcissistic loneliness, at the upper end of which is grandiosity, and at the lower end is insignificance. And movement occurs only along this very vertical. Continuously. Constantly. Creepy. This, by the way, directly concerns the format of interaction in a couple. If a girl tells a guy or he tells her that “I can’t live without you” or something like that, then I’ll say right away that they have problems. It is very difficult to come up with a more stupid and useless phrase. This immediately indicates that there is a dependent relationship ahead. And one of this pair puts the other on the level of god. And, as you know, it is difficult to be God (to be more precise, it is completely impossible). Therefore, the one who was placed there, at this level, must, if he has time, begin to see the light and try in every possible way to transform relations to the human level. If not, then the couple will fall apart, or staying in such a “relationship,” God forgive me, will be torment for both. So. Next, about dreams. So, under dreams, I want to offer us not only nightly “film screenings” with flights, eroticism, nightmares and other subjects, but also what we can imagine, in the so-called. in a waking state, using imagination and special techniques for traveling through the endless expanses of the subconscious and Space. When you can connect to this field, you can download any information from it. It’s better, of course, the most relevant one, so as not to unnecessarily load your own hard drive, called the brain. Moreover, our body (catfish, carcass, organism) also dreams, that is, it can transmit to us extremely necessaryinfo. This occurs, as a rule, through various types of somatic disorders - ranging from mild ailments to severe pathologies. And here you can also, remembering the two Taoist monks, dive into this very somatic disorder and, living it mentally, look for the only correct answer and, having received it, live happily ever after. It is simply not enough to know what mental (mental) equivalent there is, for example, bronchial asthma or hypertension. You need to mentally live through this very disease, immersing yourself in it, it is possible to see some connection with once relevant events of the past (in this or that life) and what has now arisen in the form of this disease. That is. The disease must be perceived as information from the body, which informs the individual that there is a certain energy-information program (virus) that has been “caught” by your system and is now exerting its destructive influence. By entering into illness mentally, we can eliminate this very virus, giving ourselves the opportunity to understand its meaning and cause-and-effect relationships with past events. Among other things. Events occurring in our real life, if they lead us, for example, to a state of chronic ill health or failure in building interaction (relationships), also represent a “dream of life”, by immersing yourself in which you can regulate the flow of these life currents and return yourself to the “factory settings” provided by the Creator. But only through mental diving into this process. Uncontrollable emotional states, well... or the inability to stay in an even mood, emotional swings are a “Klondike” for deep dream work, even (!) if this is associated with hormonal disorders. In the overwhelming majority, when talking about emotional instability, you need to look at the “dream of the family” or the “dream of the family.” Having lived through a previously existing traumatic history or a series of them, you can go out into the open space of a calm mood, without the use of pharmaceutical chemistry. And this will not in any way affect the overall level of sensitivity of the individual. Intrenched beliefs, those that do not allow one to feel at least satisfied with life (not to mention happiness), as a rule, are not recognized as such and with the help of analysis of family dramas, do not always show their noses from the wilds of the unconscious. However. Even when they become understandable, that’s still half the battle. Next you need to relive all this. And preferably not during 10 years of therapy. For example, someone, say Feofan, complains that money is always bad, there is no satisfaction from work, everyone ignores him, there are no relationships, etc. In general, not life, but Big Ass... Let's go into this “dream of life” it becomes clear that his deep, rooted conviction, ingrained in his entire inner world, is the phrase “I am a mistake” and this is due to the fact that his dad did not want a boy or a girl, but simply wanted his mother. And my mother, in her youth, did not want anything at all except deflowering, since “everyone is already a friend” and, if possible, orgasm. But the fact that these two events, realized with the help of a man, can result in pregnancy, with all the consequences, somehow didn’t occur to me. And when it came, there was a feeling of a global catastrophe. Well, this “catastrophe” was born, grew up and turned into an unhappy and very traumatized man. At the same time, in the family history, besides the fact that dad simply screwed up even before Feofan’s birth, there were no serious cataclysms, such as abandonment, actual rejection, bullying from his mother and grandmothers. It’s just...he spent his entire childhood growing up with an incomprehensible and intangible feeling of “I’m a mistake.” Then it hid even more out of reach. In short. After a certain kind of cleansing and anti-viral actions, in the process of deep “intra-visionary” reliving of the above-mentioned events, over the course of a year and a half, friends appeared, money, a job to their liking and the cherry on the cake - a very nice young lady , with which it arose. And so on all issues. Things like this,.