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From the author: The article was written specifically for the Spanish portal RIA-NOVOSTI Memory of the past... what is it? After all, everyone has noticed that we don’t remember everything, but sometimes something suddenly breaks through that we didn’t seem to “suspect.” Or some today’s thought pulls out from the depths of memory something that it seems they never knew about, but only guessed... The whole point is that the structure of the personality contains an unconscious part, in which everything is “recorded” in the smallest detail, what happened to us, as well as to our ancestors. At the same time, we can only control that part called CONSCIOUSNESS. And most of the material is, of course, contained in the unconscious part of memory. Therefore, it is important to immediately note that we make “travels to memory” (which is always about our past) much more often than one might expect. For example, any of our fantasies is based on lived personal experience, so everything that you come up with “on the fly” certainly contains your personal unconscious material about what your past experience says on this issue. Or our goals that we set for ourselves, what are they really? Nothing more than what is contained in our memory, an experience that says: “I know that if I do such and such, there will be a certain result in the form of such and such...” (“ If you go to university and graduate, you will receive a higher education,” from here we set the goal: “University, go to university and graduate!”) Figuratively speaking, memory is a means of using your past lived experience. This is our baggage, which grows day by day, and beyond our control. At the same time, there is material available for processing (the conscious part) and repressed, but accessible under some specific influence. This could be shocks, experiences, psychoanalysis or other psychotherapy. Mental retreat into the past is actually one of the strongest and very often used defenses - regression. This is when, in a stressful situation, a person rolls back to the previous stage of development. Regression manifests itself psychophysically, that is, at the mental and physical levels. Mothers of babies are familiar with it: when a child gets sick, therapists recommend a temporary return to the previous stage of feeding, the child becomes “like a little one,” forgotten favorite toys are remembered, he is more capricious, etc. However, this way of responding to stress is typical and adults. Let's take a closer look at what this process is? How does he help us? Support and support The life of an adult “at high speed”, with a lot of responsibility (and with it often guilt), a hard busy day, and a high speed of information flow, of course, overloads us. And it happens that you want to hide, to be “the little one who is protected, taken care of, helped, and simply done for him.” Our memory contains information about this, and we are happy to mentally immerse ourselves in a space where we can not only expect that they will regret, protect, help, but also demand it! Sometimes we turn to memory in search of new possibilities; when I don’t know/are not sure what awaits me, I ask myself: what do I know about how this even happens? And naturally, my own lived experience is for me the “realest”, “most truthful” and convincing example (after all, I MYSELF SEEN IT, did it, and from personal experience I know exactly how it ends... New opportunities (resources) from Inner Child In addition, the past, namely the childish part of it, is for us a memory of how once upon a time, when we were defenseless and helpless, help naturally came or “everything was solved on its own.” This, on the one hand, is about the infantility of that. age, and on the other hand, about certain higher powers and their roles in our lives. After all, in a child’s game there is always a place for magic, and in a child’s imagination the Hero always wins, because a child’s game is a reality subject to the child’s control and everything always ends like this. as it should. Despite the fact that the word “infantility”....