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From the author: Can hypnosis help in learning a foreign language? The article provides examples from practice where hypnosis played a decisive role in improving the ability to learn a foreign language. Mountains of paper are written about learning a foreign language using express methods. They help some, but more often they don’t. However, the fact is that for many, the academic method of learning a language does not work at all. What to do? Can hypnosis help in learning a foreign language? Practically, hypnosis itself when learning foreign languages ​​increases the efficiency of the learning process by 20-30 percent. The increase is not great, considering the financial and time costs. However, hypnosis can be an effective learning tool even for those who cope well using conventional techniques. The point is that it is not hypnosis itself that is effective in improving language proficiency, but complex psychotherapeutic work, which may include hypnotic methods. An analysis of the problems that people face when mastering a foreign language shows that the following most often occurs: It is difficult to memorize and recall foreign words and expressions; It is difficult to express your own thoughts in a foreign language; Difficulties in perceiving the speech of native speakers. If you simply use hypnosis and approach work without a preliminary analysis of the reasons, then the effectiveness of work in these cases will be questionable. However, comprehensive work produces tangible results. I will illustrate with client examples. “My first teacher” A simple example to the first point from a client case: a person has no problems with memory for any other information except words of the English language. During the work, it turned out that the client had severe stress in an English lesson, caused by the incorrect behavior of the school teacher. The client had already forgotten about this psychological trauma, and did not even think that it was the reason for his failure to master English. I just thought that he was so incapable of languages. The very existence of psychotrauma became clear only in regression under hypnosis. As a result of complex work, using hypnosis and self-hypnosis, the client quickly mastered the required amount of information in a foreign language. “This awkward moment” Another case illustrating the second point. The client speaks the language at a serious professional level. When applying for a job, during an interview I experienced a shock that seemed unrelated to language - I accidentally spilled a glass of coffee on a potential employer. He was not hired for this job. At the next interview, when switching to a foreign language, the client experienced difficulties communicating on professional topics, although he could easily talk about “nature and weather.” Analysis in a hypnotic state helped to connect awkwardness and stupor in communication. Appealing to the client’s subconscious in hypnosis solved the problem. “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own.” Difficulties with perceiving the speech of native speakers can be illustrated by the case of a client who moved from Russia to another state ten years ago, but never learned to communicate freely. The man had difficulty finding a job and practically did not speak with the local population. During the work, it turned out that the client feels like a resident of Russia, and not a citizen of the state in which he lives. Hence the uncertainty and reluctance to identify with the inhabitants of their new homeland. And, therefore, rejection of speech on a subconscious level. It took deep work, as a result of which the client identified himself and his barriers to perception disappeared. The perception of the speech of native speakers and the assimilation of the meaning of what was said have significantly improved. The uncertainty and fear of being misunderstood disappeared, and the desire to communicate appeared. The work used both directive suggestions and work with the subconscious in hypnosis. Hypnosis alone, without psychotherapy, would be ineffective in all three cases. But the opposite is also true - significant improvements in language learning could not be achieved without the use of hypnosis. Therefore, in order to improve