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Nowadays they talk a lot about psychosomatics, that all diseases are caused by nerves. What to do when this happens to you? Or with your child? How to help, how to understand. What happens to the body. Let's consider pain, which is one of the most popular in both adults and children. This is pain in the abdominal area. First of all, rule out that the person has everything in order with the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. Go to a surgeon, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And if these specialists do not confirm that you have their diagnoses, then you should consult a psychologist. A person who is sensitive to himself and notices changes in his body will be able to easily determine when this condition began and what events it is associated with. For others, this pain will be unclear, arising for no apparent reason. Abdominal pain can be divided into two types, the one that occurs in the upper abdomen (in the solar plexus area) and the pain that occurs below (below the navel). Typically, children in their complaints point to the lower abdomen, or to the area around the navel. This condition is associated with increased anxiety in the child. The baby becomes nervous, the walls of the abdominal cavity tense, and a clamp occurs. Sometimes, such spasms may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and increased temperature. The main causes of nervousness: - family tension (conflicts between parents, loud showdowns, divorce); - illness or loss of a loved one; - defensive reaction to conflicts in school, kindergarten (attempt to avoid ); - abdominal pain occurs in children in the absence of understanding, friends (when staying outside the family circle); - reaction to the appearance of new family members (younger brother, sister, stepfather, stepmother); - reaction to restrictions, the introduction of new rules; - reaction to overload in the physical and (or) emotional sphere. For adults, such pain is a signal that a person is too worried about what is happening in his life at the moment. He's afraid for himself. He might have gotten the impression that someone was trying to trample him in pursuit of their own goals. It is also possible that he crawls on his belly in front of someone, that is, he humiliates himself in order to achieve some goal. With pain in the upper abdomen, the body signals to a person that he has taken too much care of the happiness of people dear to him, increased (sometimes panicky) care of these people. Constant anxiety, fear for their well-being, making them happy even to the detriment of yourself, neglecting (losing) your health. How can you help in this situation? Stop, calm down and think about what doesn’t suit you right now. What anxiety do you experience, what worries you? What causes such fear? Are you sure that your family is so defenseless and will not live a single day without you? Let them live the life they choose for themselves, and help them when they ask you for it (without compromising your interests). If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you need to figure out how to solve this unpleasant situation, or how not to intersect with a person who causes such fear. Since anxiety interferes with concentration, and can provoke incorrect decision-making, influenced by the situation, and not based on one’s true needs. Sometimes “not digesting” a particular person (situation) may just be our projection about it, and not what is actually happening.