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There is a series of May holidays and long weekends. We celebrate workers' solidarity day, victory day. Somehow the topic of my article today suggests itself - justice. Let's talk about justice. Does she exist? Will she really triumph? And why is this so important for a person?” The concept of justice is the concept of what should be, containing the requirements of compliance of actions and retribution, in particular, compliance of rights and duties, labor and remuneration, merit and their recognition, compliance with the role of various social strata, groups and individuals in the life of society and their social position in it." I took this concept from the dictionary. Very often people turn to a psychologist in search of justice. It seems to a person that his family members are not fair to him (his wife does not appreciate him, his husband is insolent, his children are spoiled). There is no fairness at work - relationships in the team are not going well, the boss unfairly deprives you of bonuses. There is no justice in life - all my life I lived quietly, did not bother anyone, was responsible, dutiful and suddenly, bang! on you! - I got a bad sore. There is no justice. I came to the clinic - there was a huge line, I stood - I stood - I didn’t get there. There is no justice. In addition, a car splashed on the street - there is no justice. Why is it so important for a person to know that there is justice? Why does he fight for her, is annoyed, indignant, offended? Yes, because in this concept our man includes the satisfaction of his basic vital needs: “I want to be needed, to be understood, loved, appreciated and respected. I want to be successful at work and in my studies. I want to receive well-deserved respect. Because I have earned it, I have endured, I have endured, and I demand reciprocity from people, from society.” A familiar situation, isn’t it? Sometimes you can remember yourself in this situation... And if I don’t receive the justice I deserve, I experience emotions of a destructive nature - anger, resentment, envy and their derivatives. A vicious circle results: there is no justice - there is anger. There is anger - there is destruction (most often within oneself). There is destruction (somatic, psychological or joint) - there is no justice. Very often people, in search of justice in family life, want to come as a couple, so that a psychologist can judge who actually has a problem, so that everything is fair. Or maybe he can find the reason for the violation of justice, get to the bottom, so to speak, and tear it out by the roots. And here I am forced to disappoint those who came, pointing out the futility of searching for a reason and the futility of searching for justice. Because there is none. There is no objective justice, justice for everyone and everything. There is a subjective feeling that you are not being treated fairly. Therefore, at the beginning, a person sets the goals of therapy in the way that he thinks will be fair: “I want him (husband, wife, child, boss, etc.) began to respect me, appreciate me, love me, pay me decently, etc. "Of course, I redirect the focus of attention to the person himself. - What can you do? What do you want? Do you give love, respect? Do you value to that extent what you demand return for? The whole problem is that we can demand, we know how to demand, we love to demand, but we cannot give, we don’t want, we don’t know how. Is it because our consciousness is still in the infant stage of formation when, if I’m hungry, I scream, if it’s cold, I scream, if I’m scared, I scream! Give! I feel bad! Or maybe it’s just that no one taught that before you demand, learn to give, and give with interest, without demanding in return. They say, do good and throw it into the water, then it will come back from where you don’t know. The search for justice always ends in war. There is even an aphorism: “Justice is always seasoned with a pinch of revenge” (J. Wolfrom) And no matter how much we demand it, proving something to ourselves and others, arguing and being indignant, we will get nothing but a spoiled mood. By spending our energy and time on the negative, focusing on resentment, on yesterday, we, unfortunately, lose sight of today and everything that.