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From the author: I never tire of being amazed at how a person works: the whole life of most people is spent...... just before death, admitting to themselves a failed life and feeling bitterness in the Soul from unfulfilled hopes. Why then is a person born? After all, it’s not to cry, complain, regret, be offended, swear all your long or short life... The planet of people lives an unreal life. It seems that the majority of those living on Earth see the world through a “distorting mirror.” Why does a person choose suffering instead of happiness? Why does he punish himself, torment himself and, in the end, die in illness, without ever awakening with his Soul? My answer to this is this: man has forgotten about Love, about that driving and creative force that lies within himself. Until this is revealed Source, man is doomed to misfortune and suffering, because... there is no Knowledge and Vision to see the world larger and more voluminous. Based on this conclusion, it is very simple to become unhappy: to do and act in a way that is contrary to the Laws of Love. For example: - Constantly feel sorry for yourself. Pity and Love are incompatible things. Pity humiliates human dignity and the one who feels sorry for himself or someone else shows helplessness, either his own or the one he feels sorry for; - Complain to other people. In this way, helplessness is reinforced and the person comes to the conclusion that the struggle is pointless. - Sleep more. In a dream, we live unconsciously and, therefore, our instincts take precedence over consciousness. The more you sleep, the less you want to think and live by Reason. - To be greedy. These are also incompatible things with Love, since Love is selfless, it gives. A greedy person is lonely, he will isolate himself from others specifically out of fear that those others may ask. - To be lazy. Modern means of developing progress do everything possible to make a person completely lazy: now you don’t even have to leave the house to communicate with others. If you sit more (or even lie down), then gradually your vitality will begin to leave, and then illness is not far away. - Eat more, or even better, eat more junk food. The food industry is a business. And he needs super profits. Superprofits are made on human addictions, this has long been proven. To form an addiction, you don’t need much: sugar, various flavorings and…. the man got caught. Improper metabolism, high-calorie foods, fats destroy not only the body, but also the Soul... - See only the negative sides in everything. “It started raining - how disgusting it is; the sun is shining - it’s hot again; found a job - travel far; Etc. The unfortunate person will find 1000 reasons to see the night, even if the bright sun is shining. - Spend less time in nature. Nature restores not only physical, but also mental strength. It’s better to sit in a concrete crypt. - Exchange real life for virtual life. The person is again caught in a trap: the Internet is taking over more and more people, addiction develops, and interest in real life is lost. The consequences of Internet hobbies will make themselves known. So, by following only part of these “recommendations”, you can easily become unhappy and fold your arms in anticipation of mother death... Here's more on this topic: signs of avoidance of life You can also sign up for a consultation or psychotherapy and leave a comment below. I wish everyone happiness! Share on vk