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From the author: This is not an article. And it's not about psychology. Rather, the author walked past a lotto stand and “thought a little out loud.” Algorithm Let's consider a simple situation. There are six chips, numbered accordingly: one through six. And there is a cube. You need to choose any of the chips and then roll the dice. What is the probability that the number of the selected chip will appear? - That's right: one sixth. What is the probability that the number of the same chip will appear if you throw the dice again? - The same one sixth? Not really. That is, any side of the cube can fall out. But only here one more parameter will be added. After all, if a dice is thrown many, many times, then all its sides will appear approximately the same number of times, right? And if the dice is thrown a hundred times, then approximately, with some deviation, but at least ten to fifteen times each side will fall out. This means that the more times you roll the dice, the closer the probability that the number of the very chip chosen for the first time will appear. If you imagine that the cube is of ideal proportions, and various other forces do not act on it, based on those that make the sandwich always fall face down. A kind of spherical cube in a vacuum. Based on the above, we can solve the problem: what numbers of chips should we choose so that we get the maximum number of “lucky cubes” (luck: the number of the cube is equal to the number of the chip)? The answer is that you can choose any chip, just do not change it, so as not to introduce additional probabilities and options. A little math: there are four balls in a bag: two white and two black. The probability of drawing one white ball is 1/2 (50%). And the probability of drawing two white balls from the same bag at once is already 1/6 (16.6%) - three times less! If you keep the same chip all the time, then you will only have to wait for a successful cube. If you change the chip every time, then this will already be the expectation of a successful chip-dice pair - the probability is half as likely. Of course, there are also different phenomena, and relying on miracles, and so on. But we will not rely on miracles in this article. A little higher we mentioned a “spherical horse in a vacuum” (and even included a picture with it): for those who may not know, a “spherical horse” is a figurative expression of certain ideal conditions under which mathematical problems can be solved. Reality, as a rule, differs from spherical horses, and does various cunning tricks that sometimes completely demolish the entire mathematical calculation. An example of an “incorrect” mathematical problem: There were 9 sparrows sitting on a branch. The cat jumped and caught and ate one sparrow. How many sparrows are left on the branch? Therefore, in life it is important to take into account that a cube, for example, may be uneven, with a displaced center of gravity, and some of its sides may well end up on top in many more cases than they should be based on the statistical scatter values. A life-corrected answer would sound like this: Before choosing a chip with a number, it is advisable to conduct a series of preliminary dice rolls (the more, the better), and calculate whether one or more sides of the cube appear more often than others. Knowing this feature of the cube, we will, of course, have to choose the most “successful” number, and keep just such a chip permanently. Thus, preparing yourself for the highest probability of getting “lucky matches”. Let us repeat that this instruction is something that can be done “naturally”, and as we wrote above, if you have a “clairvoyant eye”, then this text is not about you. It goes without saying that the same advice can be given in all other “random” games, where success depends on “how the chip lands.” Whether it's a casino with a ball toss, or slot machines. The algorithm will be the same: Reduce the number of options as much as possible (make as many variables as constants), Collect as much preliminary information as possible in order to find options that are more ready for success. If these are slot machines: you can first watch other players and see which ones win more often. If it's a ball in.