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There are conflicts between children and parents in every family. Parents are perplexed why their Children are so disobedient and reproach their children. But most often, such clashes arise due to the fact that adults do not know how to convey their thoughts to children and do not strive to understand children’s anxieties and fears that are not important, in their opinion. The behavior of a child in a certain way depends on the parents' beliefs about what this behavior should be and what they actually expect from children. Our behavior and relationships are based on the meanings of words that are present in our minds and based on how we <see the world> . Words are the means by which we feel, understand and explain the world, and also convey our attitude and understanding to others. If parents are convinced that children behave badly because they are spoiled, selfish, poorly brought up, they have a bad heredity, then it follows that the child is bad in itself, due to the sum of its internal qualities. It is impossible to change anything.. It is another matter if parents explain disobedience for themselves by other reasons. Children behave badly because they want attention, to be loved and important. Then interaction and dialogue aimed at changing relationships is possible. If children feel that they are understood, valued and loved, they are in contact with adults - they do not need to make scenes and misbehave. Of course, every parent thinks about how to raise correctly your child and how much time you will spend with him. Then what's the problem? But in reality, it turns out that many have to combine their work, housekeeping with attending many children's clubs, parent-teacher meetings, etc. We draw up a daily routine and strive to fulfill it as accurately as possible. When children don't listen and don't do what they are asked to do, it irritates parents terribly, they become impatient and stressed out because they have to resort to constant repetition, reminders, coaxing and yelling to get their children to do what they want. needs to be done every day! Is this familiar to you? You are at a loss and don’t know what to do when your child doesn’t want to meet you halfway, resists, doesn’t listen, whines, throws tantrums, shows disrespect, struggles to eat, goes to bed and does homework. Perhaps one of your children has bright pronounced temperament, or he is more impressionable, more restless, less susceptible. Maybe you have a child with special needs, and you would like to know how to bring out the best in him? And all parents want to improve communication with their child and develop in him the habits you need, make your educational work easier and get pleasure from it. Main The premise of raising a child who listens, hears and understands is that the main task of parenting, in addition to loving and enjoying communication with children, is to convey the values, skills and abilities that we consider important. Loving our children is the easiest part of our job; it is given to us by nature. And the hard part of our job is to instill in our children the habits that are important to us. This requires effort, perseverance, and planning. It is very important to cultivate qualities that are the key to a calm and happy family life, not only in the present, but also in the future. These are: 1. Cooperation. Do what the parent (educator, teacher) tells the child to do, the first time and not be indignant. 2. Confidence. Know, appreciate and use your talents and strengths; accept and be willing to improve your weaknesses. 3.Motivation. The desire to start and continue to do everything necessary to achieve the goal, even if the child does not enjoy what he is doing. (Do homework, brush teeth, walk with.