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Preparing a child for school is a serious matter! Just choosing a school, buying a uniform and collecting a school bag is worth it. However, every parent understands that these chores are just the beginning compared to what can await them after the first bell rings and their child sits comfortably at the school desk. After a couple of school weeks, it will become clear to many parents what exactly they had to think about when preparing their child for school. And what should have been emphasized in the first place. What to do so that you don’t have to learn from your mistakes, correct them, so to speak, “retroactively,” and seek help from a child psychologist. We will try to identify the most typical school difficulties that a first-grader may encounter at the beginning of his long and long journey to the land of knowledge and, through joint efforts, overcome them. So, the main “pitfalls” of school education. Reluctance to learn. It is rare to meet a preschooler who would not like to become a first-grader and go to school in a smart uniform and with a bouquet of flowers. However, unfortunately, for half of the little students, the desire to learn is often limited only by the desire to gain a new status: “I am now a schoolboy , which means it’s already big”” and the student’s attributes: “What a new uniform I have, what a briefcase!” For the other half of first-graders, the desire to learn fades away during the learning process, which turns out to be not as interesting and exciting as they imagined. And this can become a very serious problem because the desire to acquire knowledge, scientifically speaking, school motivation is one of the main components of readiness for schooling. Its presence is an indispensable condition for a child to become a successful student. Because if a child does not want to go to school, or this desire is not strong enough, then neither the ability to read, nor the ability to write or count will help him adapt to new conditions and achieve significant results in studies. Therefore, parents should develop a desire to study with special care and throughout their entire schooling at school this desire should be supported in every possible way. This should be done as follows: Ø Maintain the child’s interest in learning; Ø Encourage any, even minor, successes of the little student; Ø Talk with your child about school, about his academic affairs, take an interest in his school activities more often; Ø Do not focus on failures and mistakes, help the child overcome and correct them; Ø Show respect for the educational process, let the child understand that this is very important for you;Ø Keep in touch with the school and teacher, stay informed about school affairs and events. Disorganization and inattentiveness. How often do you hear phrases like this from parents: “He’s very smart, but he’s so inattentive, that’s why he studies poorly” or from teachers statements like “She could study with you much better if she were more organized” Indeed, a lack of self-control can greatly interfere with successful learning. The ability to listen and do what the teacher says, carry out tasks according to instructions, the ability to switch from one type of activity to another and control one’s own behavior depending on the situation is another component of readiness for school learning - volitional readiness. Without it, successful learning is impossible or extremely difficult. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of a child’s self-control from early childhood, and although this is very problematic, since children’s reactions are spontaneous and momentary. Parents should still use special techniques and methods to help their baby independently perform certain actions. And in older preschool age, the formation of strong-willed qualities in a child should be closely dealt with: Ø Play games with the child that require concentration; Ø Encourage expressions of independence; Ø Help the child perform complex.