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The feeling of anger, like any other feeling, has a right to exist. Society doesn’t care what’s “inside” us. Society looks at behavior. Aggressive behavior is not approved, and sometimes is punished in the manner prescribed by law. Often, for various reasons, a person does not show his anger, and in some cases, he does not even realize it. But anger does not go away. A person can transfer anger from significant figures to himself. He will begin to criticize himself or make excessive demands on himself. And in this situation, he may plunge into depression. He may not show anger where he was not allowed in childhood, but periodically seethe with “justified” anger and show it where it seems safe to him. The “justice” of anger is easily justified to oneself. You can, without realizing it, provoke others to show anger. And look at your essence of anger - in projection, as in a mirror. You can, having realized that you are angry, deal with anger in a “natural way”. What we perceive as anger was originally a “fight” impulse and was aimed at survival in a dangerous situation. That is, the meaning of anger is to protect us from danger. Therefore, it is worth asking yourself the question: why am I angry? And try to influence the situation, “resolve” or get out of it. If this is not possible here and now, then you can try to defuse this bodily impulse. The gym or other physical activity will do. Probably not as ideal as “beating the offender,” but the situation will become controllable. Sometimes it’s good for children to tear up pieces of paper, trample on the “mat of anger,” kick pillows - if the anger is “not too much.” In general, activity is good. Business is combined with business - the anger is discharged and something useful is done. This is the best thing you can do with anger, it seems to me. You can do work that involves showing aggression, anger - go to serve in the army, for example. You can eat your anger by biting food. A side effect is being overweight. You can also wash down the other “pros...” - let go and give free rein to your anger - the consequences are unpredictable. It also happens that a person uses all of the above and becomes tolerable. Well, that's all. You can continue to endure it, you can go to therapy. What does anyone like? You are angry, angry - and how can you not “get angry”? Call 8-921-919-65-59, I accept in person and online. If anything happens, you can’t beat me, but showing verbal aggression is possible and even necessary, if it occurs. You will discuss it and understand something about yourself.