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Since childhood, Vasilisa dreamed of becoming the mistress of her own life: to achieve a high position in the musical world (she graduated from the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov), to have a beloved husband and children from him, raise children together and bask in love and happiness... (Many people, women and men, dream of the same thing). Vasilisa has already achieved a lot. She had a job at a music school, a beloved husband, a desired child, comfort and understanding in the family, as it seemed... (like many people). At one moment, everything important to her turned in the opposite direction. The notorious BUTs arose. In Russian, BUT is an adversative conjunction (how aptly it was called), in life, BUTs are limiting, opposite indicators, circumstances... As usually happens, BUTs arose unexpectedly, and there were several of them at once (“trouble does not come one"). Got laid off at work. Another breakdown in relations with my mother. His young son is suspected of having autism. Her husband was about to leave the family, she thought. It looks like it wasn’t love, but something the opposite? “Why are all the troubles for me?” When this woman (her name has been changed and permission for publication received) came for psychological help, everything fell out of her hands. “The world around is collapsing,” she repeated. During psychotherapy, one of the key moments was turning to the example of the life of the well-known woman Anna Netrebko. What does the queen of opera have to do with it? What do the suffering Vasilisa and the world-famous Anna Netrebko have in common? And the thing is that both are women, connected with music, both dreamed of becoming princesses (mistresses of their lives), rising to heights, becoming happy, both have difficulties in the family , there are children with autism... They have a lot in common. One of them has already achieved a lot. Anna Netrebko from a simple Russian girl, who imagined in her childhood dreams that she was a princess, in real life turned into a real opera queen, applauded by the whole world. What is the secret of her success? Anna answers like this: “I am a very positive person. Even if everything is completely bad, I always know that the morning will come and the sun will shine.” An optimistic outlook on life helped Anna to steadfastly endure many hardships in her life, not to lose heart, but to take steps towards success. Vasilisa always really liked Anna Netrebko, and the example of her courage and optimism in overcoming obstacles, of which there were many on her path, simply captivated Vasilisa. She wanted to adopt an optimistic approach into her life. As a result of psychotherapy, Vasilisa’s life began to improve: she was invited to work at the local conservatory; with my mother, as before, a good, caring relationship; her husband recently again confessed to her that for him she is the best woman in the world... As a result of a thorough examination, autism was not confirmed in his little son. Life has entered the right direction and is moving in the right direction. To success. Unfortunately, many people experience difficulties in life. It is important not to give up, but to look for ways out, solutions, and ask for help. Remember: “He who has support will not be defeated.” May Anna Netrebko’s secret of success always be with you: “Even if everything is very bad, I always know that the morning will come and the sun will shine.” And you are already an optimist ?It’s easy to sign up for a consultation: here or write to Viber or Telegram at the number: 8 917 025 22 42 and we will agree on a time to meet. Optimism and good luck to everyone!