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So, the time comes when parents decide to send their child to kindergarten. This time may vary for each family. Some believe that it is already possible at one year, while others are worried that their baby is not yet ready even at 5. It is necessary to say the exact number when it is worth going to kindergarten, it is really impossible to name, because different children, different families in which they are raised and The kindergartens that children go to are also very different from each other. The important thing is that whenever a child goes to kindergarten, you need to understand the following - both parents and the child will have to adapt to new conditions - the child will be outside the home, in a new place, with new people, and the mother (dad, grandparent) will have to be without a child and without those worries that occupied them for a long time. Oddly enough, but first of all, the mother (or the loved one who spent most of the time with the child) needs to prepare for the garden. If the mother’s anxiety is off the charts, then it is simply useless to prepare the child. Therefore, the first stage is preparing the mother. And the mother needs to be prepared by bringing into consciousness what is happening in the garden today. Firstly, the kindergartens have changed on a national scale since my mother’s childhood, secondly, a particular kindergarten may have its own rules, depending on the personalities of the manager and teachers, thirdly, the mother’s personal traumatic experience can paint horrors by generalization, it’s bad there - without details, and why there is no answer (presumption of guilt). Well, of course In order, it is necessary to calibrate the mother’s expectations with reality, specifically discuss with teachers, finding out their personal attitudes, rules and regulations of the kindergarten. It is, of course, useful to know about your rights and responsibilities; oddly enough, all this is spelled out in those documents that everyone signs and they also illustrate the walls of the kindergarten itself (but for some reason many people ignore them). What topics are worth thinking about: 1. The daily routine and how it combines with the family’s habits (time to get up, nap at lunch, time to go to bed at night), if the family does not change, then the child suffers much more than it seems from the outside. The regime in the garden is one of the most rigid frameworks that the system maintains; you need to come to terms with this and adapt yourself as much as possible.2. Child nutrition. If a child has food restrictions, you need to think about how to organize his special meals. If a child doesn’t eat enough and you are afraid that he will go hungry, then keep in mind that problems with food are a reflection of the relationship with his mother, and further with other adults caring for him. Difficulties with nutrition have little to do with food (if it’s not neurology, but then see a doctor). 3. Why does the child go to kindergarten? Any arguments are accepted (including the fact that mom just needs her time, but there is no money for a nanny), the main thing is that these arguments exist.4. The leading motive for your upbringing of a preschooler is what the child should have, what he should receive in your opinion at this age. And appreciate the reality of achieving this in the garden. For example, if you consider the main task to be to develop initiative and creativity, then the reality is that most ordinary gardens cannot provide this (well, or as much as your mother wants) and therefore you either give up your ideas, give up the garden, or choose a paid garden with this focus or are you looking for a compromise - for example, you yourself invest in the development of these qualities at home.5. This point is related to point 4, but is still broader: what the child will receive while in kindergarten, what you expect him to learn (specific skills). In fact, it very often turns out that educators think that parents should do this, and parents assume that educators should.5. System of rewards and punishments. Know and understand what the mother herself actually uses (in order to understand what the child is already adapted to), and imagine how the teacher will achieve the required result. In fact, it very often happens that what parents consider possible for themselves, educators should not do, so it is important to decide what they can do from your point of view and whether such methods will achieve results with.