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From the author: The article was published in the magazine “HR Service and Personnel”. “The more I study life, the more I love animals” - this is how the Russian poet A. Fedotov ended his poem “Hunting” at the end of the 19th century. A company psychologist, having reformulated this statement as follows: as soon as I find out which animals you prefer, the more accurately I will characterize you, and by conducting an unobtrusive survey among employees over a cup of tea in an informal conversation about animals, he can highlight a lot of interesting information for himself. Dog People and cat people.... What do you think? A person likes to get up early and is productive in the morning - a lark. Prefers to go to bed late and is productive in the evening and at night - Owl. Stick to your routine and everything will be great. It seems logical and simple. But... were our ancestors guided by Larks and Owls when they chose a place to relax in the house?! Focused on dogs and cats. It is known that dogs choose places with favorable energy, while cats prefer geopathogenic zones. This means that a place to rest should be made where the dog settled, not the cat. You can also draw a correlation between the type of animal and the typology of people and understand what the latter are. When I had the idea to divide people into Dogs and Cats, a lot fell into place. Moreover, the “dog-cat typology” quite accurately allows us to describe a person’s character and predict his behavior in an extreme situation. Take a closer look at your colleagues! Who do they remind you of? Great Dane or Tiger? Siamese cat or lapdog? Not necessarily externally. Maybe it's his demeanor. The dachshund is fidgety, not serious in appearance, but brave in extreme situations. The Toy Terrier is capricious, ambitious and cowardly. The Persian cat is imposing, lazy, impudent and vindictive. The Siamese cat is active, brave, and vengeful. These are just a few examples. By the way, this “typology” will help create a shift or department where employees will not communicate “like cats and dogs.” It's natural! A dog person is comfortable in the same working conditions, but his cat colleagues are not. The cat feels bad. And the Cat is constantly nervous, quarrels begin... So, see for yourself how a simple typology works in practice! Cat people are individualists, they value harmonious relationships more than family ties, which they often do not have or have, but not for long or not in the usual sense this word. The courtship process is much more important and interesting for them than what may follow it. They gravitate toward individual types of activities, are not alien to creativity, and have good inclinations in the field of intuition and non-standard solutions to current problems. Among them there are often workers with universal abilities. But they may experience difficulties in tactically planning the execution of a mission, and life in general. They are bored by routine duties and strive to introduce an element of novelty into everything. They cannot stand pressure from superiors and rigid hierarchical structures. They gravitate toward a nocturnal lifestyle; if not disturbed, they will go to bed before dark and wake up in the afternoon. They try to choose activities that involve alternating intense work and long-term relaxation. They can achieve good results in areas that require internal concentration, even such complex ones as meditative practices. They are partial to mind-altering drugs: cats have valerian, but dogs do not. They love to sleep, are sensitive to smell, love delicate perfumes and...more often have cats. Along with positive properties, cat people also have negative ones: constant worry, a tendency towards perfectionism, excessive anxiety and the habit of noticing only their own merits in business, ignoring others . They are best realized in such professions as a teacher, actor, diplomat, human resources manager, or as a respectable administrator in any branch of business. Dog people value family values. They are not particularly creative when it comes to compliments. Much attention is paid to relatives. Gravity towards groups