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Is there a universal anti-stress remedy that helps executives cope with stress? Yes, it exists, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Now about this in order. Even if you don’t delve deeply into statistics, among the diseases that most often affect managers, heart attack firmly ranks first. The reason is clear, and there is no need to prove its truth. For most managers of large companies, daily stress is as normal as coming to work. Everyone copes with their stress as best they can and as they are allowed to. Some people swallow validol, while others allow themselves 100 grams of cognac at lunch. For some big bosses, an anti-stress release is quick sex with a secretary, and some use “soft” drugs. Both of them ultimately pay - some with family destruction, others with alcoholism or drug addiction. Many Western companies set up gyms next to their office premises to maintain the health of their employees. But not every manager wants to show his voluminous belly and shortness of breath on a treadmill to his employees. Ordinary employees have the opportunity to discuss and complain to each other about their difficulties. This, again, is completely lacking in their boss. At the same time, he is responsible not only for his decisions, but for his work and for the decisions of other people. Yes, his income is significantly greater, but he pays for it with his health. And let’s not forget that you can’t value health with money, just like you can’t value a person’s life. Of course, stress has not only a negative side. It is generally accepted that stress speeds up the production process. Indeed, under the pressure of stress factors, decisions are made faster. But are they always taken thoughtfully? There is a state of nervous excitement and increased mental activity, and there is a state of nervous overexcitation and a decline in brain performance. And not only the manager, but also the entire team has to pay for the hasty decision. So how can a manager resolve his stress problems without harming his work and himself? 1 STEP. First, learn to catch yourself in the onset of nervous overexcitement, so as not to take the situation beyond the level of control. Identifying your weaknesses is what makes it easy to lose emotional balance. To do this, you should go through the most common stressful situations in your head. Perhaps this is a reaction to a specific person. Then it’s useful to figure out why. In most cases, dislike for someone is caused by one's own shortcomings or weaknesses. STEP 2. Secondly, give yourself a mental instruction to calm down. Calm down, no matter what. Just understand that this is now, at this moment in time, the main thing. STEP 3. Thirdly, tune in to calmness, using some of your favorite anti-stress techniques. Unfortunately for health, the most common such technique is smoking a cigarette. But you can develop your own, for example this: after a deep breath, release air from your nose silently in small portions, constantly lengthening your exhalation. Anti-stress techniques can be learned in stress management classes or taught yourself using educational materials. STEP 4 Fourth, find an effective and safe way to quickly, that is, quickly, relieve stress in the workplace. This method can be some kind of distracting activity for a period equal to a smoke break. For example, darts, anti-stress punching bag or mini golf. A universal remedy is simple anti-stress exercises based on breathing or muscle relaxation. For example, this technique: sitting in a chair, calm your breathing with the mental formula: “I CALM DOWN AND RELAX.” On the inhalation the word “I”, on the exhale “CALM DOWN”, the next inhalation on “I”, followed by the exhalation on “RELAX”. After the stress is removed, you can calmly figure out why.