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Infantility in adults, or in another way: psychological immaturity is manifested in the fact that they are not able to independently take responsibility for their actions and decisions, but instead shift it to others. This indicates immaturity of psychological development and can create problems both for the individual, in his contact with the world, and for those around him, who are often forced to endure a demanding, consumerist attitude towards himself from such a person. Often such infantilism is accompanied by some unconsciousness, that is, the person himself does not understand and does not accept that he himself is responsible for what is happening in his life. Infantile adults are characterized by shifting responsibility: instead of taking responsibility for their actions and decisions, infantile adults tend to blame others or circumstances. In the situation, if these are adults, they are prone to certain addictions, for example, alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling addiction, shopping, and they have children to support, then children often play the role of a rescuer-psychotherapist for such adults. Also in such situations where there are children to support, children are at risk for violence in the form of neglect. They may neglect the needs of the child in education, development, medical support. - Inability to solve problems: They may have difficulty making difficult decisions and coping with life's difficulties. Infantile adults may expect others to take care of them and solve their problems. This often manifests itself in the fact that. Such infantile adults, when faced with problems, literally demand that helping specialists take responsibility for them. If a specialist begins to defend his boundaries, this can cause anger and a storm of indignation. The demand for infantility in modern society is closely related to the fact that a certain narcissization of society is taking place, where being a narcissist is the norm. In modern society, there is a certain demand for infantility due to various, including sociocultural factors. Consumer culture, advertising and media can promote the idea of ​​carefree consumption and avoidance of responsibility. Everyone owes me, everyone can become a king, you just have to want it and everything will work out, you just have to let the ball go into the sky and billions will rain down on you - such a childish position is associated with some features of magical thinking, which is adequate for a five or six year old child, but looks absolutely perfect ridiculous for adults. Social media can create the illusion of an easier life, where taking responsibility for your actions may not seem as important. Infantile adults read the picture that people show on social networks as the truth, although in reality it can take a lot of resources to create this picture. Striving for comfort by default. Many people strive for comfort and satisfaction of their needs without much work or effort. Modern people are not inclined to endure even minimal inconvenience; on the one hand, this is an achievement of civilization - when there is water in the house and sewerage, when you can order everything for delivery, on the other hand, even minimal discomfort causes unbearable conditions, almost to the point of hysteria, that Administrators of all kinds of hotels, waiters in restaurants, doctors in private medical centers, teachers and tutors can perfectly observe. Psychological assistance can be an important tool for overcoming infantilism in adults. A psychologist can help the client develop skills of independence, taking responsibility and solving problems. This may include working on self-esteem, developing decision-making skills, and improving emotional management. Of course, in any case, self-awareness and self-identity do not happen automatically as a result of one or two consultations with a psychologist; this is a long and important process. Khanova Svetlana Pavlovna, psychologist-consultant, recording Viber WhatsApp messengers by phone +7 902 516-00-26