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I received permission and consent to publish this material from a girl who is a recovering addict. Let's call her Lina (she chose this nickname herself). Lina has been (that is, lives) clean for more than 7 years. Everything would be fine if it weren't for the DRY FAILURE. “The nature of our faith will determine the form of our prayer and our meditation.” Basic text, p. 55, July 5. How do we pray? This is a deeply personal issue for every NA member. Many of us find that over time we develop a way of praying that combines what we have learned from others and what is comfortable for us. Some of us came to NA with a prejudice against a Power greater than ourselves. own. But if we sit down with our sponsor and discuss our difficulties, looking into the depths of the Second Step, we will be pleasantly surprised that we can choose any concept of a Higher Power that suits us. Just as the definition of a Power greater is different for each addict , so our manner of achieving “conscious contact” is also different. Some attend religious services; someone sings psalms; someone abandons reality and talks with the cosmos; some find a spiritual connection in interaction with nature. The "right way" to pray and meditate is any way that helps us improve our conscious contact with our Higher Power. A good place to start is always to ask others how they found their spiritual guidance. Reading literature can also help before we begin meditation. Many people have already done this search before us. And we can gratefully use their experience in our quest for spiritual growth. JUST FOR TODAY: I will explore the possibilities of improving my conscious contact with God as I understand it.” So, the 27th NA group, which Lina is going to, and with the beginning stories can be found here https://www.b17.ru/article/450521/?prt=111260 Statement at the group dated 07/05/23. Lina is surprised by her realizations: “I really liked the last words in the daily text “ONLY TODAY: I will explore the possibilities improving my conscious contact with God as I understand him." Surprisingly, it turns out that the daily text pushes me to better understand God and not stop there. You know, I previously left the program for 3.5 years, but I maintained my purity. And when I left, I knew very well that I simply couldn’t do without groups. Lina then shared her story of getting to know the Bible: “Just as we have literature in the Academy of Sciences, so any religion also has literature. And I began to read the Holy Scriptures. And since the Bible is a heavy book at first glance, it took a lot of effort to figure it out, but I got involved, and now this book has become familiar to me. I learned a lot from it, found answers for myself, and to this day apply its principles in my recovery. I am convinced that it was these principles that helped me stay clean outside the program.” Lina opens up to the group: “But something went wrong and I felt bad, and I ran to the Academy of Sciences, and I prayed long and hard to understand Do I really need groups? Over the years outside the program, I have learned to see the hand of a Higher Power, and its answers are very simple and understandable. God (Higher Power) clearly made it clear to me that I needed groups. And yesterday He made it clear to me that I shouldn’t leave the groups, because such thoughts had already crept into my mind - because... did I feel better?” Lina does not hesitate to talk about her gratitude to God: “You know, I am so grateful to God! He gave me a chance to live, gave me the opportunity to understand that you can cry from joy and gratitude, and not from grief and pain. He made it clear that you can earn money honestly, and not steal and turn around. And when there is a lot of gratitude, I want to share it, and I have a desire to know the Will of God better, you know, so that I can at least somehow say “Thank you.” “Thinking out loud: “Over the years of studying the Sacred.