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Does it happen that you are anxious, unpleasant excitement and anxiety torment you so much that it becomes difficult to calm down and find a place for yourself? Everyone experiences such sensations to varying degrees of intensity. What can you do with them when they begin to interfere and create difficulties? Anxiety is an emotion that expresses a feeling of uncertainty, loss of control over the situation, anticipation of negative events, difficult to define premonitions. For example: anxious before an exam, because. it is unknown how it will go, what kind of ticket will be available, etc. Or: it is alarming when the daughter returns home late, because... it is unknown how she gets there and what might happen along the way. Or: anxious before the first working day at a new job, again, because... it is still unknown what and how will happen there, what kind of relationships will develop, whether it will be interesting/work out, etc. How can you cope with anxiety? Understand whether the uncertainty or the unknown of what causes you anxiety. Next, the most effective option is to remove or reduce this uncertainty. In particular: Get as much real information as possible: find out everything about the new job, office, employees, etc.; call your daughter returning late; find out from older students how exams are going with this teacher, etc. Think through all possible scenarios, including the worst ones, and think about what you will do in each of them: what will you do if things don’t work out with your new colleagues? What happens if you fail this exam? What can you do if your daughter doesn’t answer the phone? At the same time, it makes sense to think through your actions that will at least slightly restore your sense of control over the situation. For example: the daughter does not answer the phone. Reaction - I will panic. Not effective, only increases anxiety. A more effective reaction: I’ll call her friends and find out who last talked to her. Returns a sense of control over the situation - reduces anxiety. Distract yourself, keep yourself busy. If the previous methods did not sufficiently reduce anxiety, then you can direct your thoughts and energy to something else. Do sports, cook, clean, etc. For example: my daughter should come at 23:00, now it’s 22:00, but I’m already very worried, it seems too early to call her, because... We agreed on something else to calm ourselves down - we could start sorting out the closet or cleaning the apartment. Talk to someone, share our experiences. Someone's caring participation and the opportunity to share your anxiety with someone can often help. Even if you don’t get the support you want in return, you can still regain some control over the situation, because You can describe in words what is happening to you. Your own version. Of course, everyone can find their own, individual way to successfully cope with anxiety, it’s worth looking for it. All this relates to what psychiatrists call “normal anxiety,” which everyone has almost every day. But it happens that a person, for some reason, cannot cope with anxiety on his own. Or anxiety becomes a constant background of life and it is no longer clear where it came from. Or, although the situation is perceived as safe on a rational level, anxiety still arises and the further it goes, the stronger it becomes. To some extent, and in such cases, the methods listed above can help. However, perhaps it’s still worth contacting a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will help you figure it out and understand why you need such anxiety in your life now.