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When we have negative life experiences, our self-esteem suffers. As a result, negative thoughts and beliefs. But you can change it! Negative experiences do in some sense traumatize a person. It deprives him of confidence in his abilities, makes him feel fear, anxiety, irritation... But if the psyche is resistant to stress, and the person is aware, he can cope with negative experiences quite easily. He lives it, draws conclusions and continues to live on. However, there is another scenario when a person focuses too much on the negative and can no longer move on. It seems to him as if there is nothing joyful, positive and bright left in life. It’s as if there are simply no people around him to whom he could open up and trust. It is important to understand one thing: a negative outlook on life is always based on a certain way of thinking. And with every disturbing thought we strengthen this way of thinking, plunging even deeper into anxiety and fear. What is the way out of this? Of course, in changing the way of thinking. This is a long and complex process that only those who clearly understand the goal will complete. If you are really tired of living in anxiety, noticing exclusively the negative aspects of life and completely ignoring the positive ones, it’s time to change that! Learn to look at problems differently. If you pay attention to exactly how you analyze the situation that worries you, you will notice a curious thing: you always go along the same algorithm. You understand that an unpleasant situation has arisen - you begin to think about it in a negative way - you conclude that you cannot solve it - you admit that you are doomed for life. Sounds a little harsh, right? In essence, this is how it is: an anxious person constantly analyzes his situations in one way - doomedly negative. You need to consciously redirect your attention to a different perspective. Perhaps it's not so bad? Perhaps everything can be resolved in one day? Maybe it's worth asking for help? Try to think from an unusual perspective - you will notice a lot of interesting things. At a minimum, that not all of your life situations are equal to a disaster. Timer for worries It is useless to suppress your anxiety; it is better to give it a strictly allotted time. For example, twenty minutes daily. Set a timer and start worrying. Think about the most terrible scenarios for the development of the situation, panic, cry - do what happens to you in such moments. But after time, stop doing it. It’s better to be distracted by something exciting and not think about what causes anxiety. Apply these simple techniques in relation to your anxiety, and over time, your habitual way of thinking will begin to change! Sincerely, Your psychologist, consultant, cognitive behavioral therapist, Yulia Churina