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Continuing the topic of the norm and pathology of sexuality, it is very important to reveal the topic of cultural and sexual complexes. This is a set of features of sexual behavior that in a certain way (usually dysfunctional) influence a person’s daily life and the processes of his interaction with representatives of the opposite sex. In this article, we will present to your attention the most common female complexes, the nature of which can be traced even in manifestations within the framework of romantic relationships. "Alice in Wonderland" complex A woman with such a complex lives primarily in a fantasy world, like the heroine of Lewis Carroll's work of the same name. This world, of course, is filled with fantasies about the ideal partner and relationships with him. It is interesting that our “Alice,” in addition to her behavior and presentation in a romantic relationship, also deftly invents the behavior of her partner. Imaginary relationships are particularly accurate, including talking about the personal qualities of all their participants. Of course, a woman chooses a partner who best matches her fantasies, but she stumbles when, in a ready-made script (literally spelled out by roles), what happens is not what she planned. Of course, it happens that the partner is aware of the needs of his beloved and chooses to play his role as she wishes, but this game will be completed, along with the stage of idealization in the relationship, and in place of the assigned “role” the partner will again become himself. As a result, , a gap is formed between dream and reality, which leads to severe disappointment and often to loneliness, so as not to face that same disappointment again. The “Messalina” complex The name of the phenomenon comes from the name of the real-life Valeria Messalina, a powerful Roman woman who became famous for her love affairs, which included repeated promiscuous (promiscuous) relationships with various men. A woman with this complex attracts many men with her availability, demonstrating herself and her readiness for intimacy, sometimes even in the “here and now” format. Messalina is convinced that a man is inevitably attracted to the image of an easily accessible, passionate lover. She makes very high sexual demands on her partner, which can often change literally “on the fly,” which often “justifies” Messalina, because the high, changeable demands of a sexually active girl are difficult to satisfy with just one partner. This complex is often accompanied by anorgasmia (difficulty or inability to get an orgasm), which causes even greater insatiability in the girl. "Castration" complex This complex can be simplistically described in two words - "powerful woman." This phenomenon is inherent in women who grew up in conditions of dominance of one sex over the other. This may be a format of female dominance, when the father of the family was considered only as a “wallet” or “housekeeper”, was often reproached and could not make decisions. In this case, the girl, out of solidarity with the family system, can also transmit this attitude towards men. Or the other side, when the father, overly speculating on the “concepts of a healthy marriage” of his own type, where the woman does not have the right to vote and the opportunity to do what she likes, terrorized the family. In such an environment, a girl can take on the role of an avenger of the male race and acquire a not always conscious goal - to “break away” from her childhood and build a family, laying down fundamentally opposite values. Such women usually have masculine mental traits, strive for power over men in relationships and subject them to humiliation. There are known cases of presenting obviously impossible demands on a partner, comparing them with other men, with the aim of humiliating them even more. Freud at one time identified such a phenomenon as “penis envy” as one of the stages of psycho-sexual development. It appeared when