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Civilization generously distributes its benefits. But in return it demands acceleration - from everyone without exception. As a result, we don’t walk, but run: on our last legs, with our tongues hanging out, loaded with our own and other people’s problems, hung with bags and children. Psychologists say that the “running man” syndrome is inherent in literally every Ukrainian. In fact, we like to be always busy - because this is how we save ourselves from ourselves. If you stop, you willy-nilly think about who you are, why you live and what you will leave behind. So many people run away from answering this question. Others are simply due to problems that in 99% of cases are easy to solve. So, for example, a man tries to spend as much time as possible outside the house just because he doesn’t like to clean. But you can hire a person who will tidy up your apartment for money. Or a woman runs away from a mirror that shows that she is aging. Someone spends the day at work, simply hiding from an unsuccessful personal life... In fact, the “running man” syndrome affects our health. For example, constant stress is caused by “hurry” due to an unfulfilled need for self-expression. As a result, immunity decreases, which leads to frequent colds. The risk of cancer also increases. The cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract suffer from “running”. Why? Because they received such life attitudes from their parents. There are only five of these installations. The first is “try hard”, the second is “be strong”, the third is “be perfect”, the fourth is “bring joy to people”, the fifth is “hurry” (remember how often we tell children instead of “take your time” - “come on, run!”, “why are you bothering!”). Such life attitudes obviously program people for illness. For example, combining the “hurry” and “try” types is a 10% guarantee of neurosis. Such people are always late and never finish things. The combination of “hurry up” and “be strong” often ends in a stroke: such people cannot show their weakness and incompetence. What if they manage without me? Of course, in our age people are obliged to hurry - this is the time. But at the same time, our eternal running is most often a mythological busyness. And the myth-maker in this case is the “running man” himself. They say, I’m so important and necessary, everyone is waiting for me... That’s why people are afraid to take sick leave or time off once again: what if they can cope without them? If the “running man” decided to slow down, any chosen method will be good. Someone will sign up for a gym, someone will start eating right, others will learn to separate work time and rest. The main thing is to think and act! What do psychologists advise? To return to reality, you need to do some exercises. Exercise 1. “Matches” Take a box of matches and give yourself 15 minutes of time. Now we take the box, open it and take out the matches one by one, putting them next to each other on the table. Then we close the box, open it again and put the matches back. One by one. We close the box. And so three times in a row. During the exercise, you need to track your thoughts and feelings. For example, you will think that “All this is some kind of nonsense... There is so much to do, but I don’t know what I’m doing here...”, etc. You may feel angry at yourself or become emotionally stupefied. These are your “pests” who make you run through life all the time until you drop. You need to know them by sight in order to tell them “STOP!” in time. Exercise 2. “I’m going, going.” All the time while you are doing something, say out loud or to yourself what you are doing. For example: “I go to the kitchen, open a bottle of water, pour water into a glass, drink, put the glass in its place, close the bottle cap...”, etc. This exercise will make it possible to “not get stuck” on some actions, which are not so important, but take quite a lot of time. Exercise 3. “On the contrary” During the week, every day you need to do three usual actions in reverse. For example: if you are used to brushing your teeth with your right hand, then brush with your left. If you are used to cutting bread with your right hand -.