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Dream interpreters - oneirologists - come to one of the conclusions that the image of a house in a dream represents our unconscious. Just think, if you develop this image, it will take your breath away from the variety of options for what a house can be, how many rooms it has, who lives or visits in these rooms, who cleans up the mess and order there, who has the keys to the front door, where the safe is, where the garbage is taken out, what is the atmosphere in the house at different times of the day, and if it rains or snows outside, what happens to the roof, does it have a stove or fireplace, do they cook food there or order delivery?.. After all, it’s interesting if the house is in If the dream is an image of the unconscious, it turns out that the actions taking place in the house will be unconscious. Unconscious actions are also called automatisms or habits. We remember that habits become consciously repeated actions aimed at satisfying perceived needs or actions that may be associated with neurotic disorders and take their place in the depths of the psyche. In the first case, automatisms help us survive and save energy resources. In the second, they help us avoid what hurt us and protect us from experiencing pain again. They say that 95% of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions are habits. Those. We spend most of our lives either saving or defending ourselves. What makes you think the most is that time passes, events change, and lately the reality that has been happening is transforming at a speed that is sometimes difficult to curb. It turns out that our habits may no longer be relevant and most likely they are worth and important to reconsider! Perhaps it's time to ask yourself an essential question: WHO IS THE BOSS OF THE HOUSE? Why am I saving here? Which of my actions lead to the results at the end of the week, month or year that I celebrate, and I am not satisfied with them? Why am I defending myself here? How old is that girl or boy who was scared then by the loud barking and is therefore still afraid of dogs on the street, even if the dog is on a leash with the owner? Doesn’t he go to learn an interesting job because he’s afraid to take the exam, because he’ll be punished for a bad grade or scolded in front of everyone? Doesn’t he go to the clinic to take all the tests and make sure that everything is fine with his health, because long ago the nurse mercilessly hurt, squeezing and pricking his finger, then pressed on it until he was blue in the face, and his mother wasn’t there to feel sorry? Doesn’t do, doesn’t think, doesn’t feel, for some reason or because of something out of habit, automatically. Perhaps it's time to answer the question: WHO IS THE BOSS OF THE HOUSE? If it suddenly seemed that the owner there was not you for a long time, but that aunt in kindergarten who scared you by saying that she would give you to the wolves, or that boy who called you a name, or the dad who didn’t hug you but scolded you, the mom who wasn’t around, because that she herself was in the hospital, a girl who laughed in the whole class’s face, a tactless doctor, a drunk neighbor, or anyone. But not you. But you pay all the bills for the house. If, upon reflection, you find that all the expenses of the house are on you, then for your own sake, what would you like to do? How to help yourself? How to support yourself? What to talk about? What to do one way or another now, and what a little later? Where to begin? Who to be with next? Who to be?