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How to dress for a first date (About clothes and more...) “They meet people by their clothes...” Choosing clothes for a date, as well as a business meeting , any event, first of all, depends on the place where this meeting or event will take place. So when you're asked out on a date, figure out exactly where you're going. Agree that a date at an expensive restaurant, meeting with a group of friends at a bowling alley or a walk around the city require different clothes. In addition, when choosing clothes, the time of day at which the meeting will take place is also important. If you are going on a date after work, and at work you have to adhere to a strict dress code, take care of the opportunity to change clothes or complement your clothes with some accessories that can "transform" a business suit into clothing more suitable for a romantic evening. The second factor influencing your style has to do with the purpose of the date. To begin with, you should decide what the purpose of the “first date” is and what you would like to get from the meeting. Of course, to make a better impression, someone will say. The answer is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. When we dress in any way, we, of course, expect to make an impression. But which one? What will be the best impression? I propose to sort this out. Let's consider the following goals of a date: first, a one-night stand; second - a date as a way to have fun and have a good time; third - a date with the goal of establishing a long-term close relationship, including creating a family. If the date is “for one night”. Firstly, don’t be afraid to admit to yourself that you may well have such a desire, and not all relationships you want to continue for the rest of your life. There are relationships that are pleasant precisely because of their brevity and ease. Of course, for such a date you should dress quite seductively and revealingly. As much as you can afford. Your appearance should communicate to a man: “I don’t mind playing.” It is surprising that many girls and women dress quite openly, erotically and seductively and are surprised that men “only need one thing” from them. Remember - clothing, style is a language that speaks without words and, often, even without your conscious participation. A girl who comes to a party in a miniskirt and revealing cleavage will be very popular. They will “flirt” with her, they will look after her, they will “molest” her. A man will want to seduce such a woman, spend some time with her, but he will not think about a long-term serious relationship with her. A man who looks at a woman in a short skirt and some amazingly seductive high-heeled boots is unlikely to think at that moment: “What a wonderful mother for my future children!” If you are going on a date to have a good time and have fun. Here in clothes there is complete freedom for imagination. You can express yourself by any means available, experiment with images and style! Dress like you've never dressed before! This is the time for you, and a date is just an excuse to go out into the “society” and show yourself - a very different person, maybe someone like no one knows you. And you can behave on such a date as you want and like. Play “touchy” or “femme fatale”, portray a romantic girl “out of this world”. There can be a great many options. Choose not only clothes, but also a style of behavior. And end the evening either in the arms of a beautiful stranger, or with a walk under the moon, or by unexpectedly disappearing from the “ball”, like Cinderella, leaving the man with a desire to meet again. If the first date is the beginning of a serious relationship. At such a meeting it is better to be yourself. Your clothing and demeanor should show a man who you really are. Therefore, it is better to choose clothes that are convenient and comfortable, reflecting the basis of your character. For example, if your style is “sporty” or “loose”, then you should not wear an evening dress and high heels, which are for you!