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From the author: Article on the site: Women often ask: “How to attract and keep a man?” Young people are interested in how to attract, older people are interested in how to keep them... I think I won’t surprise anyone by saying that what we are looking for has always been with us. I mean the ability to attract and keep men. It’s just that, for some reason, sometimes beyond our control, many women have lost it or don’t have it in sufficient quantities to easily attract and keep the attention of the opposite sex. We women are given this quality by nature. A woman is such (feminine) from birth. She is born a Woman. And boys become Men. Look at this lovely lady: So much charm!!! What influences our femininity so much? Of course, free energy that accumulates in the area of ​​the second chakra - svadhisthana. The key word is “free energy.” The energy that accumulates in the area of ​​the uterus is vital, first of all, to maintain our vitality. It is spent on all processes that occur in the female body: physical, physiological, emotional and mental. And if there is not enough energy, then we have a sad result: women’s illnesses and fatigue, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, which clog the energy channels in a thick layer. What kind of femininity is there? What to do? There is a way out. Clean the channels and gain energy with the help of energy practices. But there are women who do both, but for some reason they still lack energy. Why do you think? At the webinar I did a survey: “What is the most popular clothing for women of the 21st century?” 99.9% of women wrote trousers and jeans!!! So what, you say, they’re so comfortable!!! And you'll be right. My listeners also wrote this: warm, comfortable. It is convenient to run, drag bags, a child, drive a car, jump into a vehicle. Be collected and energetic. I think you don’t have to think much to guess that all of the listed qualities belong to men. It turns out that trousers are convenient for us women to be a man!? Yes, indeed, by putting on trousers, we activate the male part of ourselves, suppressing the female and at the same time the Man who is nearby. I suggest you listen to the tiny exercise that I asked you to do at the webinar. Sincerely with you, Rezeda Bujavchi.