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Resentment is a negative emotional state caused by a feeling of insult, dissatisfaction with someone or something. A person may feel resentful if he feels that he was hurt, his actions or words were not appreciated, or if he has a feeling of injustice. Resentment can lead to negative consequences for relationships between people, so it is important to be able to resolve conflicts and communicate openly to avoid resentment and maintain harmony in the relationship. Experiencing resentment can be unpleasant and cause negative emotions, but it is important to learn how to cope with this condition. Here are some ways that can help you get over the offense: 1. Try to look at the situation from the other side and try to understand the other person's point of view. Perhaps this will help you better understand the cause of the offense and find ways to resolve the conflict.2. Express your feelings. Talking to the person who offended you can help clear up misunderstandings and find a common solution to the problem.3. Find ways to relax and calm down. Exercising, meditation, walking outdoors, or other enjoyable activities can help you cope with negative emotions.4. Show yourself compassion. Allow yourself to feel hurt, but don't lose control of your emotions. Support from loved ones can also help you overcome resentment.5. Remember that grievances are part of life, but it is important to be able to forgive and move on. Try not to dwell on negative emotions and strive for healthy relationships with others. Learning to forgive helps us avoid long-term negative consequences for our mental and physical health. Additionally, when we forgive others and ourselves, we open up new opportunities for personal growth. Saying goodbye helps us become more tolerant, compassionate and wise. Experiencing resentment is a natural feeling, but it is important to learn how to respond to it correctly and not allow the resentment to have a negative impact on your life. The ability to forgive is an important skill that helps us live happier and healthier lives, create harmonious relationships with others.* Link to my current COURSE ON ADDICTION* Link to a useful TUTORIAL ON ANXIETY