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From the author: The theory of inescapable fear. Part two Our story is the story of our fears... Recently I again visited the land of the shy people, and I must tell you that this is an absolutely fabulous country. The small nimble creatures that inhabit it always live in fear, which they are very proud of, which is how they got their name. I have already written about their customs and morals, and now I will tell you their amazing story. Recorded in their own words... THE GRAY OLD TIMES The roots of this numerous but timid people go back to an antiquity so hoary and centuries so terrible that among the timid people one cannot find anyone who could tell about them truthfully. Therefore, the story of the timid people begins with myths and ends with myths, but they timidly avoid the truth. There is a myth among the Puglivians that they were once owned by the Puglivians, whom they invited to rule over them, fearing external enemies and not having the courage to make their own choice. Come and take possession of us - the timid ambassadors told them - for our land is rich and abundant, and living in it is unbearably scary. The Pugai people came, intimidated the Pugai people, and took possession of them. Since those legendary times, every leader of the Puglivtsy tried to trace his family back to the ancient Pugaytsy and always frightened the people, imitating their mythical ancestors. Usually, to do this, he declared war and made midnight arrests, or intimidated them to the point of trembling with hostile foreigners. They despised a leader who was incapable of frightening. AN AGE OF FLOWER Shy people consider the best times in their history to be those when they were especially scared. Periods and reigns when every timid person was not only afraid, but was unable to sleep from horror, and did not even dare to scream from the nightmare that filled him. Moreover, he had very real reasons to shake. The first time this happened was when the ancient prince decided to convert everyone to a new faith. He found somewhere a foreign, formidable god, the fear of whom was so great that he was considered invisible, and ordered him to be worshiped. The Pulivians were afraid to disobey, but they were no less afraid of the wrath of the old gods. Therefore, the prince was considered a saint. Subsequently, there were at least three rulers who are still considered the greatest among the fearful people. Each of them killed his subjects in batches, apparently drawing aesthetic joy and inspiration from their executions. Shy people consider them geniuses, believing that under them the country reached its greatest prosperity. They are waiting for those glorious times to return. NEW TIMES Since then, the shy people have endured many fears. And since they feared the wrath of kings and leaders more than death and enemy arrows, over time they conquered a lot of land for their leaders. Most of the conquered places fell into disrepair, as the timid people were afraid to cultivate the land. So in the land of the shy people, famine eventually set in. Then the king of the shy people was afraid that his subjects would eat him, and abdicated the throne. The timid people realized that he could no longer scare them, and they killed him, calling others, much more terrible. They ruled for a hundred years, and then they themselves got scared and declared freedom. Now the fearful people choose as kings those who can intimidate to the point of hiccups, while at the same time promising protection. Candidates for leader climb onto the highest tree stump, trying not to show fear, and roll their eyes. They also blow up houses and threaten to catch the villains. They call it sovereign democracy and a special way. They also love to be feared by everyone. OUR DAYS Today, timid adults are allowed to live a political life, although debate about the meaning of such permissiveness still continues. Many believe that their people have not yet matured to adult games like this, and the most that can be allowed is timidly peeking through the cracks at the political life of others. The Pulivites, who stand for austerity, call themselves the party of patriots. Others, calling themselves liberals, timidly demand that complete freedom of morals be declared, so that every timid person can openly shake in front of everyone, without knowing shame and without knowing fear. Both are afraid of their words and constantly squeak quietly. In order not to be afraid of their own squeaks, they gather in flocks and walk the streets, calling it a political demonstration. When they stop, fear instantly…