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From the author: The fashion for coaching is becoming more popular than the trend towards using psychological tools. This is especially noticeable in the space of the World Wide Web. There is no paradox here, just a thirst to be successful, often stronger than the thirst for solving pressing problems of a psycho-emotional nature. The age-old, karmic legacy of post-communist personal trauma is reflected, with the lack of freedom in all its manifestations, including financial. “Take me in a cab along the echoing pavement...” With these words from the famous song by A. Novikov, one could begin the story about coaching. For a coach or “coacher” (coachman) is a person called upon to choose the right path and direction for those whom he “coaches” or “lucky” .That is, don’t just take him, to paraphrase the song you are looking for, “you know where!” - here’s how you can continue it, considering the modern model of coaching. It turns out that a coach should also be an intuitive. :) But seriously, coaching is not just a method of “precise delivery”, but rather a “wind of change” that propels you towards an achievable goal...COACHING MODELS Among the most common coaching models, we can highlight business coaching and life coaching, which, in turn, cover various narrowly focused consulting branches of the coaching tree. Spiritual coaching stands apart among them, due to less interest on the part of the potential client and the lack of a common view on the nature of spirituality. With all the currently existing interpretations of coaching, the concept of the client “help me” has not been canceled . And no matter how the policy of relationships between coach and client is built, the model with a bias and even a bias in one mentoring direction remains practically unchanged. Our people are not used to solving their own problems on their own, neither under the gun of a psychologist or psychiatrist, much less a coach. And the point is not that the newfangled trend is somehow new to him, but that either he does everything himself, or if you please, hand it all to him on a platter. Hence the trend that has developed among coaches - to coach, train and mentoring your own kind is much more effective and profitable than being sophisticated with a client who does not understand the essence of the process. On the other hand, the rapid march of many psychologists into the coaching specialization is both following the modern trend and shifting responsibility for the process itself and the result of coaching to the client , which is practically impossible in applied psychology. And there seemed to be nothing unusual in this, especially since the very concept of life coaching implies just such an approach. Although there are pitfalls here. For it is very problematic to develop in a person responsibility for himself and his destiny without the development of awareness, which presupposes the presence of adequate self-esteem, moral and spiritual maturity and a persistent desire for change. And here it is a vicious circle. COACHING AND PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is a help in coaching and a brake that does not allow movement without solving the client’s personal problems. Hence, it seemed an insoluble dilemma, depending to a greater extent on the personal qualities of the coach and to a lesser extent on his psychological, medical or financial specialization. And the psychological knowledge base may be insufficient if the coach is faced with psychopathology in the case of an intelligent, resourceful and morally exhausting his schizophrenic. How can a modern person find exactly his coach, who, like a guru, will subtly tune in and feel your inner world, point out hidden obstacles and see the best options for solving existing difficulties or obstacles? The tools here are the same when we are faced with any choice .CHOOSING A COACHIntuition and proper discernment will allow you not only to trust your mentor, but also to provide effective feedback. It’s just a matter of learning to listen and hear it. Therefore, if in front of you there is a person who is not just ready to provide a certain service, but like a magician pulls out your objects of power and knowledge from his sleeve, then the choice was made correctly. AndIndeed, almost each of us at one time or another needs or even needs a life coach, which is what life coaches call themselves. But the formulaic approaches, generally accepted concepts and techniques often used by them do not always work in the case of a specific individual life and its pressing problems. And this is not an exception, but rather a rule applies not only to this service sector, but also to many other related areas. Because almost everyone can work according to a certain standard and model, and in this case the responsibility is more industry-wide than personal. Empathy alone cannot serve as a criterion for evaluating such actions. Here, other arguments are needed in favor of choosing the direction and method of work of a coach with a client. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not understand the intricacies of this profession to perceive and interpret the proposed package of coaching services in a different way. In addition, the notorious slogan of coaches is: “we solve problems, and “not a problem” is essentially just a beautiful play on words that does not fundamentally change the model of interaction with the client. Therefore, this position looks somewhat detached. COACHING AND SUCCESSCoaching in its main, core meaning works with success, its prerequisites, development and cultivation in the life of the mentee. The very concept of success implies a focus on unlocking creative potential with a high degree of embodiment of one’s own abilities and effectiveness in achievements . And this is most feasible when a person perceives life easily, as if playfully, without stopping for a moment in the desire to achieve the maximum possible. Most often, such people who have reached heights in their business are characterized by agonistic personality or playful activity, which developed historically in ancient times. Greece. The attitude towards life as a game and competition in this case does not at all indicate a vital necessity, but indicates a person’s desire for mastery. The “Greek miracle”, a very striking phenomenon in the culture of that ancient era, did not fade into oblivion, but grew into a new flower “ American dream", opening a new socio-cultural milestone of success and enriched with new meaning and content. The ancient individualized and competitive formula for success was replaced by a new one, implying personal success through cooperation or cooperation. Thus, success acquired modern forms of expression - prosperity, prosperity, well-being. In addition , popularity, fame, authority, and significance have come to the forefront of success. And this somewhat shakes the model of the worldview of a person who strives, first of all, for spirituality, which includes a material component, but not money at any cost. One way or another, the focus on success depends from extreme motivation, diligence and luck. And this is not much, but also a high level of self-awareness, self-confidence, the ability to assert oneself and other individual psychological characteristics of a successful person. In other words, THE EVOLUTION OF SUCCESS is the best model for a spiritual individual, naturally perceiving abundance as inexhaustible life-creating energy. COACH TASKS It is the coach’s job to help the client realize his uniqueness, giftedness and the revelation of his creative abilities. Let me note that a personal example or any other similar analogy does not always work here. The coach needs to conduct a thorough screening of all personal characteristics client: characterological and professional, necessary and interfering with the achievement of the assigned tasks, and then propose possible ways to solve them. The coaching and mentoring activities of the coach do not exhaust themselves here, but also presuppose other models of cooperation with the client. Relying on the client’s personal responsibility with an increase in his personal strength, the coach consistently, step by step, strengthens his faith in his own success and positive results in achieving goals that are significant to him. Subsequently, it’s only a matter of little things - just implement and integrate this matrix into the client’s life realities,