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One of the main human needs has always been love and respect from others. And, of course, the emergence of a science that would help reveal the secrets of universal love was predetermined in advance, although it arose only in the middle of the 20th century. Imageology - as it is sometimes characterized - is the science of charm. Or more precisely, the science of the ability to make the right impression on people, the one you need. The more successful the image, the more effectively we manage to manage other people’s ideas about us, and, accordingly, their behavior. But not through manipulation, but by the ability to clearly convey to them information about who we are and what to expect from our behavior. Image is an externally expressed internal state, a tracing of personal characteristics. Image is expressed in the totality of behavior, clothing, hairstyle, lifestyle, friends, work, personal interests. A person has the power to consciously approach the creation of his external image, to think about what he represents in the eyes of other people. When leaving home, we not only have to thoroughly think through all the details of our costume, but also our mood, postures, gestures, facial expressions, and voice. All behavior must be conscious and directed. This is what leads to success. In recent years, the concept of image is increasingly used to refer to the lifestyle of famous people. Many are still confident that the image is created as a mask or a role in order to produce the desired, but fictitious impression: the image of an actor, the image of a politician, the image of a sports player. Of course, there is some truth and logic in this. For a public figure, an ideal image is necessary, and a whole team of specialists from various fields works on its creation - psychologists, PR specialists, advertisers, sociologists, choreographers, stylists, makeup artists, producers. But this does not mean that the image can only be a fictitious stereotype, quite the opposite. Every person, realizing it or not, forms his own image throughout his life. Day after day, year after year, we wear things of a certain style, chosen by us, wear or do not use makeup at all, style our hair in a certain way, go to the same places and perform a lot of other actions that make up our stereotypical image - that an image that emerges in the memory of our relatives, friends, colleagues, and which is our image. This is a stereotypical idea of ​​who we are, these are the boundaries that we ourselves create so that others can understand how to interact with us. Think about what exactly you want to tell the world with your image, what percentage of people you can charm with your behavior and appearance, who are these people? How successful are they? Do you want to be in their circle or do you think that you are worthy of something else? Image can be considered as a circle, which includes eight parts: Material - or materialized image - objects that a person has created, what we do with our own hands. from lat. habitus - “external”; includes a suit, hairstyle, jewelry, etc. - what you prefer to wear every day. Kinetic - gestures, facial expressions and body movements - the way we control our body (if a person cannot describe it himself, you should ask others about it characteristic gestures and poses). Environmental - image of the environment, what an office, study, car looks like. Verbal - from lat. verbalis - “verbal”; this is the manner of speaking and writing. Professional - field of activity, direction of work, position. Mental - worldview, moral and ethical positions. Personal - consists of three parts: Ideal self - the way I want to be Real self - how I see myself in real life Social self - how others see me. If you are interested in understanding your image, consider all eight components of the circle , relating them to yourself. See if there are any paradoxes in this list. For example, you hold a responsible position in a large company that does not have a dress code, and for this reason you wear jeans, a T-shirt and ballet shoes to work..