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Is it possible to deceive yourself? This is not even a rhetorical question, but a utopian question. I will say more: you cannot deceive others, because in all cases you are attempting to deceive yourself. It would seem that you have chosen a job/study according to your heart, or found something you like in the chosen one. Why then not plan out the tasks, do everything calmly and on time? Why put it off until the last minute, sit in front of the computer/papers at night, with red eyes and liters of coffee? “Because I have a problem: procrastination,” the nice girl answers at the session. Procrastination is in psychology the tendency to constantly put off even important and urgent matters.. Let me return to the topic of deceiving myself. But what if you ask yourself the following questions: Will I put off what I want myself, regardless of external recognition, money, awards? Why do I complete tasks that I constantly put off in order to get/feel something from them? If the motivation for completing tasks is not internal, but only external, then emotional hunger is satisfied and the motivation for action is not fruitful, but surrogate. Those. doing one thing to actually get another. You want to please, not get things done. You don’t like to play with a toy, but for other children to see your toy and admire your play. What does this mean: You force yourself to do something that you don’t really want; You expect praise and recognition for what you have done, and are afraid of not getting it. Fear and anxiety paralyze you so much that you put things off; The inner critic whispers in your ear: who needs this, all this is complete nonsense and there is always someone who will be better than you. As a result, things are postponed and postponed, a feeling grows inside, that the project/tasks will a priori fail, and no matter how you “lick” them in terms of quality, they will not be good enough for you. And you transfer this feeling of not being good enough to other people, according to the projection mechanism, i.e. you unwittingly expect criticism from other people. So, is procrastination really bothering you? Maybe it makes sense to reconsider motivation - the urge to action? Realize that external motivation is not enough, internal motivation is also required? Why do you need the feeling of guilt from false procrastination? What does it allow you not to do and/or do? Consultation and contacts here Psi IVF: I dream about a child, but nothing comes of it! To sign up, write to PM. Sign up in advance, I work individually and locally, no more than 3 people per month. Art club: MAC+drawing here