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Like many other things, positive thinking can be learned. In my opinion, this is a useful skill for those who want to change their lives for the better. So where to start?1. Change in speech. Give up the particle “not” as a negation in your speech, the common game “Yes, but...”. Remove obscene language. Fill your speech with bright colors, beautiful phrases, speak in a “warm” voice. Examples: “I don’t want to get sick” is useful to replace with “I want to be healthy”, “I don’t want to be fat” with “I want to be slim”, “I want to in my life there was no alcoholic husband” to “I want to have a successful, healthy man next to me,” etc. Examples of the game "Yes, but...". A friend shares with you her feelings about constant conflicts with her husband. You give one piece of advice after another on how to deal with this, your friend agrees with everything, BUT explains that these recommendations will not help in her situation. Having exhausted the most obvious methods, you move on to heavy artillery, “Why don’t you go to a family psychotherapist, everything got better for Marinka after that,” “It works, but not with us. Besides, it’s expensive, and you yourself know, We're tight on money." In the end, most likely, you will get tired of the fruitless struggle and throw up your hands. What happened here? Probably, the friend doesn’t really want to change the situation, preferring to get stuck in conflicts and worries. “I would like to play sports, BUT I don’t have time for this,” “I would like to lose weight, BUT diets are not suitable for me,” etc. The first part of these sentences is positive, states the goal, but the second part crosses everything out. For those starting to think positively, I recommend replacing “BUT” with “EVEN IF.” For the more advanced - “I CAN...” at the beginning of the sentence, with a dot in place of a comma) Try it, the result will not be long in coming.2. Changing thoughts. Yes, yes, it’s time to take control of your thoughts) First, learn to pay attention to your own thoughts. At first it requires effort, but later it will become a common and pleasant thing. When you discover a negative thought, you should determine where, why it arose, and why you need it. Often negative thoughts are habitual, sometimes passed down from older generations. Often these are generalizations that supposedly simplify life, but actually impoverish it and distort reality. The negative generalization “all men are assholes” not only has nothing to do with reality, but it is also more likely to attract a man with the corresponding characteristics into your life. Conclusion - check your thoughts for compliance with reality. And the thought that arises out of nowhere: “I won’t succeed,” why do you need it? Analyze, get to the point. Maybe she allows you to continue to be inactive? When imagining any situation in the future, fixate on a positive image. Your ability to see possible negative outcomes should work for you, not against you - understand what you need to do to get to what you want. Your future is “programmed” by your own thought. Examples. You want to buy a laptop worth 40,000 rubles. Negative thought - “I don’t have 40,000 to buy a new laptop.” Examples of positive thinking: - I can save 5000 rubles. to buy a laptop (and put it aside); - 5000 rub. I already have it; - I can find the money I need. Negative thought: “I don’t have time for...”. Positive: “I’ll be free in 15 minutes”/“I can do this in 2 hours.” Work on yourself, change your thoughts and yourself!3. Change of emotions and actions. Morning is joy. New day and new opportunities. Find your way to be “charged” with positivity as soon as you open your eyes. Start your day with a smile, give warmth to your loved ones and yourself. When planning your own actions, correlate them with reality, do not overload. Praise yourself for what you have done. Notice how the actions you complete today gradually lead you to a big Goal. Be happy with what you have now and move towards what you want to achieve. Remember, the most precious thing you have is yourself. Love and take care of yourself!