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To understand what an adult’s self-esteem consists of, you must first understand the basic mechanisms on which it is based. Self-esteem is formed from early childhood, and it is influenced by 3 main psychological mechanisms: 🔹The first is copying behavior. We tend to adopt the behavior of those people who surround us and with whom we communicate most often. Naturally, the people closest to us in childhood are our parents, and those significant persons who raised us: grandmothers, grandfathers, older brothers, sisters, etc.🔹The second is conditioned reinforcement. Further, our parents encouraged some of our behavior, and condemned some of it. That way of thinking and all those behavioral stereotypes that were encouraged by our parents are deeply imprinted on our psyche. This becomes our standard behavior, which we then reproduce automatically. The third is primary interpretations. This includes the explanation of what is happening in the world by a small child. The earliest beliefs and childhood decisions form the basis of personality and become the “pillars” on which a person’s entire personality, including his self-esteem, will subsequently rest. And now I suggest you analyze your past, and relying on 3 basic mechanisms for the formation of self-esteem , identify what influenced you the most: 1. Copying behavior. 👉 Which behavior or which significant people from your life have you adopted to a greater extent? Who was your main role model?2. Conditioned reinforcement.👉 Which behavior was rewarded, by whom and with what words, and which was punished? How has this affected your self-esteem?3. Primary interpretations.👉 Were there any situations that traumatized your psyche in your childhood? In this regard, what beliefs have you formed about yourself, people and the world as a whole? The answers to these questions will help you identify, understand and realize the foundation, the basis of your self-esteem. This is what your personality “rests” on: 1. Unconsciously copied behavior patterns of significant others in your childhood.2. Those words that constantly sound in your head, which either help you in life, or, on the contrary, hinder your development.3. Deep beliefs that most fundamentally shape the direction and scenario of your life. Having realized and thoroughly worked through the foundation of your self-esteem, you can change a lot in your life for the better in all its directions: build harmonious relationships, find a job you love, improve your financial situation and much more. .👉 If you want to improve your self-esteem, then sign up for a consultation. Together we will figure out what negatively affects your self-esteem the most and remove those internal restrictions that hinder your development. Contact us, I will be glad to meet you! 🙂Psychologist Vitaly Baranov📲 Sign up for a consultation: +7 953 373 40 03 Telegram | WhatsApp Subscribe:👉 Telegram channel👉 VK group