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From the author: my VKontakte group At this time, a person retires and is not needed at work, is not needed in the new society, is not needed by the family (all these are his thoughts). The children grew up and they hired a younger and more successful one. At this age, people become socially isolated and withdrawn. They have been doing something all their lives, working, raising people, and now they don’t need to do this. Nobody needs them. Unfortunately, it is in this crisis that the largest number of suicides occur due to the fact that people do not find a way out of loneliness and uselessness. All this, people think for themselves. They again begin to feel sorry for themselves, how unhappy they have become. What to do about it? Start thinking positively. Not “nobody needs me,” but “finally I can live for myself,” not “I haven’t done anything in this life,” but “I have a lot of time to start something new.” Don't expect help from others. Live for today. Think ZI-TI-VNO! The fact that people give up immediately leads to deteriorating health, depression and early death. Is it necessary? I think not. Life is beautiful, it is one, it is unique. Enjoy life today no matter what. Find new people, new hobbies, get acquainted, so that you don’t end up completely alone in retirement. Don’t be lazy when you’re young, take steps towards a happy life, so that you don’t die early in old age.