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I think there is not a single person who would not want a happy and harmonious relationship with his partner. No one wants quarrels, separations, misunderstandings, insults, accusations against him , but much of this is present to varying degrees in each relationship. The only question is to what extent both partners are ready to negotiate, learn to understand and respect each other, despite their differences. And how much everyone is ready to grow up and mature in their relationship with each other! And what What is a mature relationship in general? You can look for answers in smart books, at psychological seminars, even in fairy tales. The answer came to me when my husband and I started learning to dance Argentine tango! Through my body I received answers and insights in almost every lesson! Who tango danced at least once, they will learn many things; those who have not danced may be interested in trying. Firstly, roles are clearly distributed in tango. The man leads. He's a leader. The woman is a follower. And this is not discussed at all. Period. Just like in a mature relationship. A man is the head of the family. If in tango you, as a woman, have a desire to push around, to change things, the dance will not work, it will turn out to be a talking shop, a showdown. I saw this when we came to a milonga (tango party). Here is one couple selflessly weaving an elegant canvas of dance, and the second couple will take a step and stop and let’s figure out where they should have put their foot and what movement to make next time. I myself stepped on exactly the same rake several times and tried something for my husband impose how I want to dance, and as a result the dance didn’t work out, there was a conflict. Once at one seminar our teacher said “my girls, be patient, men learn tango twice as slow, and you are faster, and now you think that’s it.” you can say that your partner is imperfect, and let’s teach him, or even worse, compare, and you just need to wait, let him mature!” After these words, everything fell into place for me. Needless to say, a woman learns in tango to be led, and therefore patient, accepting, and a man learns responsibility, the ability to lead, to make decisions. A woman is one who accepts, follows, listens, feels her man. The second aspect of a mature relationship I will call the ability to move, think, feel in unison .This does not mean that you need to guess each other’s thoughts. This means that there is trust in each other, there is interconnection, understanding of each other not only on a logical level, but also on a bodily, intuitive one. If you relax, turn off your head, then the body ITSELF follows the movements of the partner. I never tire of being amazed by this phenomenon. Tango is an improvisational dance. And when you see what beautiful steps a couple performs, it’s hard to believe that all this is being born before your eyes, and was not planned and rehearsed in advance. Thirdly, tango is a social dance. This means that even if you come to class with your partner You will still dance with many partners, and learn to listen and follow any male partner. And your partner will dance with many female partners. And I must say that after such practice, I always happily returned to my partner, somehow joyful, filled, we had something to share with each other. Just like in a relationship, if you are fixated on each other, communicate with few people, do little, then what will you fill the common field with, what will you bring there, sooner or later you will get tired of communicating with each other, and you will want to move away or even break up, because... it will seem that you know everything about each other. Remember how in the film “The Bat” the husband thought that his wife was “a book read long ago,” and how he fell in love with her again, realizing that he “missed the most interesting things in this book pages.” And the third aspect of a mature relationship I will call the ability to give each other freedom, the ability to let each other go, which allows you to avoid jealousy, emotional dependence and painful attachment and fixation on your partner. These are just some aspects,.