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From the author: This article is by Khorsa, from whom I studied LIFE. The Enlightened Ones Like any other area of ​​human knowledge, not everyone needs astrology. First of all, it is not needed by enlightened people, those who complete their circle of incarnations. These people have reached the pinnacle of their development, and now planetary cycles do not affect them. They behave simply and naturally, acting in accordance with the situation, avoiding desires or whims. They live easily following the dictates of their heart, remaining harmonious and free from the passions and temptations of this world. Mentally ill people It is also not needed by mentally ill people, since all the advice of the stars does not reach their clouded consciousness, and if it does, it is perceived pervertedly. Suspicious individuals For particularly suspicious and easily suggestible individuals, it is dangerous. An inexperienced or unscrupulous astrologer can very easily lead such people astray, direct them in the wrong direction, and cripple their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Limited Personalities Astrology is not needed for people who do not want to know anything about themselves. They limit their existence to the satisfaction of simple needs and requirements, believing that the main thing in life is a full stomach and a soft bed after a hard day. Inactive individuals For those who do not want to do anything to change their life for the better, astrology will not help, either. how to implement its hints requires specific and targeted actions. And the basis of any action is the desire to do something, to change oneself, and not to wait or demand that the world around change. Such people will spend time and energy on prayer, turning to God for help. It is easier for them to believe in a miracle than to do something themselves. Their whole life passes in anticipation of this miracle or the grace of God, interspersed with insults and claims to God that he reacts poorly to their prayers and suffering and does not want to do anything for them. their well-being.Skeptics and know-it-allsIt is of no use to skeptics and know-it-alls. If a person does not believe that the world constantly sends him not only signs, but also forces, he will not take the former into account and cannot use the latter. Know-it-alls are sure that they know everything and therefore the stars cannot tell them anything new. Who needs astrology? A natural question arises: who needs astrology? It is needed by all those who want to learn to understand themselves by studying the laws of the world around them. The law cannot be changed, but it can be used to your advantage. The same can be said about the forces in whose flows we live, regardless of whether we are aware of it or not. Many people believe that the action of forces is spontaneous and uncontrollable, but this is not so. Forces, like everything else in this world, obey the same law of the universe. Man, not knowing these laws, learned to use the forces of water, wind, the Sun, and the energies released during the splitting of the atomic nucleus. Conscious use of the forces emanating from the planets and stars that shine above our heads, inviting us to take advantage of the energies coming from them, will allow humanity to reach a new level of development, this is exactly what the situation and time in which we live requires. Sane people Thus, astrology is needed sensible people who want to control their destiny, and not be a toy in the endless whirlwind raging around power flows, consciously use their power, taking into account its direction, speed and time of action. What do astrological charts reflect? It is these three factors: time, direction and speed, in the form of symbols, is reflected in the astrological charts of each of us. They are a symbolic expression of those energies that make up our reality. In addition, they help to understand at what time and how our internal forces interact with the forces of the world, since they are an internal manifestation of the forces of the reality around us. Learning to interact harmoniously with which is the main task of any person who wants to be healthy and happy. Astrology is a tool that helps us more fully and: 317284492