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From the author: Brief information about what coaching is... If this is your first time encountering coaching, you probably don’t really understand what it’s all about. Not to mention being able to immediately decide whether you need it in principle. Well, let's try to figure it out. The word coaching has English roots. In its original form, it carries the meaning of “training”, “preparation”, “tutoring”. Literally translated, “coach” means “cart”, “carriage”. In essence, coaching is a strategy for working with a person, aimed not at developing new skills, but at developing personal effectiveness, a creative approach to life and work, setting and achieving new goals that currently go far beyond the boundaries of a person’s perception of reality.B In a certain sense, the goal is the basis of work in the coaching strategy, since all other processes are subordinate to its achievement. However, before we take an excursion into the depths of the essence of coaching, let’s stay a couple more minutes in history. Coaching originated in sports. You could say that his “dad” is Californian golfer and professional golf coach Timothy Gallwey. He became the author of the “Inner Game” system, which he outlined in detail in his books. His main idea was the hypothesis that the enemy that is in the player’s head is always more terrible than the one that exists in reality. And such negative internal attitudes prevent him from achieving optimal results. In this situation, the coach became not the one who “trained” his ward, but the one who formed a positive picture of the game in his head, honed his train of thought and accompanied and supported him during the game, in any case. Most often, of course, the result of the game was positive - the technique gave amazing results. And thus, with Gallwey’s light hand and with the support of the sports community, coaching firmly entered into sports reality, and then gradually moved to other areas of people’s lives: business, career, family, creativity... The main idea of ​​coaching is as follows. One of the fundamental beliefs of a coach, which he actively uses when working with a client, is: “The client always knows the best solution to his problem, he just doesn’t always see it.” And the task of the coach in this case is to structure the work with the client in such a way that the client can discover the best solution for himself, outline the strategy and tactics for its implementation and, of course, apply it and get results. Also, in coaching, the client himself is always the focus of attention, under his needs, techniques and methods are selected individually. And one more thing: coaching is focused on the future. The coach doesn't care what was bad in your past. It is important what can be done now so that in the near future it will be the way you need it. The power of coaching lies in the combined action of these factors, and in the coach's personal support for the process of change that the client is launching in his life. The coach, together with the client, goes through the main stages of transformation, and upon receiving the first solid results, coaching can be completed. Although many still prefer to bring the process to its logical conclusion. A predictable and logical result in coaching is achieved if you work with the coach according to a clear plan, fulfilling all the tasks and obligations undertaken during the coaching process. The structure of the work is as follows: the first 1-2 consultations, As a rule, they take from 1.5 to 3 hours (depending on the complexity of the problem that the client wants to resolve). All subsequent consultations take less, from 1 hour to 2 hours, and can be carried out remotely - by phone, mail or Skype. Here, the client’s capabilities and his desire to intensify the process or conduct it at a smoother pace play a more important role. At the beginning, meetings are held on a mandatory weekly basis; in the future, if the complexity of the request allows, it is possible to meet once every 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, there are no mandatory work rules, everything is determined again?..