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From the author: Based on materials from the site Quantum psychology is a direction of non-academic psychology that considers a person’s vision of reality as significantly dependent on the state of his nervous system and behavior patterns, as well as ideas that are involved in interpretation external signals from the brain. Deals with the fundamental processes of consciousness. Wiki. Quantum psychology is a science of the 21st century, explains how the observer creates the observed, the patterns and paradoxes of this process. Quantum psychotherapy is a tool that allows you to use quantum psychology in practice. This is a set of technologies that allow you to change the vision of reality, and as a result, reality itself. The world has entered an era of rapid change. People's consciousness is changing. The basic picture of the “nature of things” changes. What we see, know and feel is the result of our perception. And we perceive the world through the prism of information available in our brain. And this world, born in our head, becomes real for us. Imagine how limited we are. But this is not the main discovery. We may, at our discretion, change the information available in the database. We can easily find and remove virus programs that limit our capabilities and lead us to suffering. Our brain, when used skillfully, is a perfect tool. But it's just a tool - a processor. No less important is the filling - the programs that are in it. Our brain can find answers to all questions, a solution to any problem, ways to achieve any goal, you just need to install special programs in it. When we say “woe from mind”, we have it is not the mind itself (this is a metaphor reflecting the processes taking place in our brain), but the information that is there, and which gives us grief-reality. Quantum psychotherapy helps to see and understand the information that creates the existing reality, remove programs - viruses, programs – limiters, programs – destroyers. Quantum psychotherapy is a new direction, young, developing. I see it in demand and very promising. Firstly, because these are short-term technologies. Results that previously took years to achieve are now possible in just a few sessions. Quantum psychotherapy works especially successfully with psychosomatic symptoms, with problems that seem insoluble and hopeless. Secondly, these are highly environmentally friendly technologies. The personality of the therapist does not bring anything of his own to the process; she is only a guide, a mirror that helps the client see his thoughts, feelings, desires, what previously went unnoticed, hidden. Thirdly, these are deprogramming technologies. They find and show a person programs (installations) that block his development, which hinder the realization of his aspirations. They bring back innocence, purity and spontaneity. And as one of my clients said - the lightness of Being, “life has become easy, simple.” Deprogramming technologies are liberation technologies. Quantum psychotherapy opens up opportunities for every person to live a happy and free life.