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The concept of “autumn depression” is not used in professional psychotherapy, but many people experience this condition. It manifests itself in the form of apathy and sadness, drowsiness and decreased performance. Against the backdrop of a low mood, relationships with others are complicated. Namely, it is at this time that a person most needs intimacy and support. The most difficult period occurs precisely in November, when there are no more bright colors, and the New Year's bustle is still far away. The internal reasons for this state are that changes in nature remind us that life is cyclical. A decrease in daylight hours, a decrease in the amount of heat and withering are perceived at an unconscious level as loss. Gloom and cold are associated with a lack of love and rejection. However, not everyone experiences seasonal mood swings. The risk of experiencing autumn depression is determined by individual experience, which can be updated by changes in nature. Women often experience “autumn sadness.” Although this may be due to the fact that they are more willing to share their emotional experiences, while men prefer to keep them to themselves. Often, people who are experiencing an age-related existential crisis become victims of the seasonal blues. The onset of this unpleasant condition can be prevented with the help of prevention. It involves developing awareness and sensitivity to your emotional states. This allows you to sense in time that something is going wrong and help yourself. If a person takes time to work with his internal states, fills life with positive moments, emotions and knows how to enjoy it, then he will not have the ground for the development of autumn blues. This task is often performed during psychotherapy. However, even if you realized that seasonal sadness could not be avoided, there is a way out. In many cases, you can cope with negative experiences and regain your vitality on your own. Recommendations for getting out of autumn depression: - Light therapy - add additional sources of warm light, surround yourself with bright colors. Use green, blue, yellow and orange colors in clothing and interior design. This will compensate for the monotonous color scheme of the environment. - Physical activity - do not neglect sports. They promote the production of the pleasure hormone – endorphin. Choose what you like, fitness, dancing, swimming pool or yoga and enjoy. - Nutrition - increase the amount of foods in your diet that contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. These include bananas, dark chocolate, dates, nuts, citrus fruits, fish and vegetables. Autumn is not the time for strict diets. - Get proper rest - try to go to bed and get up at the same time. This will make it easier for your body to fight autumn sleepiness. Don’t stay up late at night at the computer or book; at this time of year you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. - Negative attitudes - get rid of the stable connection “autumn - sadness” in your mind. Fill this time of year with positive associations and memories, it is no less unique than any other. - Set yourself a goal - taking advantage of the seasonal decrease in social activity, do what you have been planning to do for a long time. This could be a small intermediate goal - read a certain book or watch a movie, or a more ambitious one - learn a foreign language, lose weight by the desired amount of kilograms. This will occupy your mind and distract you from sad thoughts. - Summarize - create comfortable conditions for yourself for this, pour a cup of aromatic coffee, take a warm blanket and think about how much good and useful you have managed to do over the previous months. - Laughter therapy - try watch your favorite comedies and humorous shows more often. - Meditation - switch your inner gaze from an unsatisfactory reality to yourself, listen to the needs and desires of your body. - Psychotherapy - if