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From the author: Information for parents and teachers Examinations are a difficult and unpleasant, but inevitable part of our lives. They require a lot of effort, clear thought, and ingenuity. Some students perceive exam situations quite easily and go to the exams, confident of victory. Others sweat not only on the eve of an exam, but even at the thought of it. No less alarmed by the upcoming trials, adults are trying to help their children in a “wide range”: from blaming them for inaction and calling for more attention to their studies to exclaiming: “Why are you so worried? I don’t care what grade you get.” Alas, all these traditional methods only allow adults to throw out their anxiety, and do little to help the child. The family atmosphere of a graduate in our time is the main factor in successful adaptation to preparing for and passing an exam, and to psychological adaptation in a new social situation. Here, parents first of all need to demonstrate the ability to control themselves, be responsible, strong, active and at the same time sensitive, understand the emotional state of their child, and help him free himself from negative emotions. Select optimal solutions to situations that may arise during the exam, taking into account the individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of your child. Finding literature on auto-training, self-regulation and relaxation today will not be difficult. Try to learn and teach your child techniques for relaxation and self-regulation. The ability to concentrate on the positive will help you calm down and find the right solution, and reduce the subjective significance of a problem situation. You shouldn’t be led by your passions and emotions; it’s better to try to reduce the significance of the problem. So how can you help children in stressful exam situations? Firstly, in order not to lose their heads, there is no need to set super-tasks for children. You need to start preparing for exams in advance, little by little, in parts. Secondly, parents should ensure compliance with the daily routine. Sleep - at least 8 hours; if the child has a desire and need, then let him sleep after lunch. During exams, children often do not get enough sleep, study in the evening or even at night, supporting themselves with tea or strong coffee. Under no circumstances should this be done. Night classes are ineffective, exhaust the nervous system and lead to a drowsy state. Walking in the fresh air, playing sports, discos - 8 hours. Preparation for exams - 8 hours a day. The best time when attention and memory are “at their best” is from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 18 hours. Children should alternate mental activities with physical exercise and rest. Every hour you need to take 10-15 minute breaks for active rest: get up, walk around, do a few exercises, simple housework. After 2.5-3 hours of work, you can take a longer break (30 minutes) to eat, and then study for another 3 hours. We should not forget about the strain on the eyes, as it increases during preparation for exams. If your eyes are tired, then your whole body is tired. Simple exercises will help relieve their fatigue: – look alternately up and down, right and left (15-20 sec.) – alternately fix the gaze on a distant object, then on a sheet of paper in front of you (20 sec. each) – “draw” different things with your eyes figures first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. During preparation for exams, it is advisable to avoid watching videos, TV shows, playing chess, reading fiction, as they increase the already large mental load. Thirdly, to preserve strength and To improve performance, the organization of nutritious nutrition is of great importance. It should be 3-4 times a day, high in calories and rich in vitamins. For productive work, the brain needs a variety of products:● walnuts will help relieve fatigue during hard mental work, strengthen the nervous system● improve.