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From the author: This is a continuation of the article: Instead of an epigraph: A dark room cannot be illuminated by adding even more darkness. The world cannot be made better by violence or controversy, Only by the light that you carry within yourself. If in In the previous material about “white dedications” I described what it is - for example, devoting oneself to a calling - now it would be nice to pay attention to how to receive this calling! Let's start with it. I Calling In fact, your true calling has been chasing you for a long time. Only you run away from him, like from a dog you are afraid of! You are afraid to change something in your life and profession, because like a serf you are assigned to your job (from the word “slave”), because your mind is full of fears: what if you don’t work out, what if you are deceived, etc. To receive a calling, it is necessary to heal from fears of the future and people. Instead, find goodwill and optimism. Then the world will become safe, like any dog, even the biggest one, whom you stopped being afraid of and he stopped growling at you in response. Then the whole world and circumstances will help you change your slave work to one that comes from the word “Ra” (the name of the sun god) and is service to something higher, inspiring and giving warmth. Of course, many will immediately ask “how to get rid of fears”? The first thing that can and should be done is to start observing psychological hygiene. Having stopped, under the guise of caution, clogging the mind with information garbage of fears and concerns from the Internet, television and other sources. For only the stomach knows how to vomit, but in the mind all this only rots, poisoning life and simply depriving you of it! If this is not enough (or you still cannot overcome the addiction to absorbing information garbage), then welcome to the office, because you seem to be a ready client for psychocorrection! II To Society The second stage is the beginning of socialization. Because before this there was only self-actualization and getting an answer to the question “why do I need myself in this world.” A new level of dedication will allow you to become useful not only to yourself, but also to Others. Why - this is actually a strange question! Do you want to live in heaven on earth? Then create paradise in the souls of those around you, so that even being the first righteous person does not exist surrounded by scum and evil. To do this, you just need to become a guide: not only go through the first white initiation yourself, but also help Others find and realize their lives! The first rule of self-organization will help with this: at the end of each day, seriously ask the question “have I done something useful for yourself AND others? Improve your results every day so that every hour of your waking hours is filled with benefit and meaning, and not just a mindless wandering around the Internet from “hahaha” to “something interesting” (and useless). At the same time, shift the emphasis from important and urgent matters - they are done only in order to appear (busy). But truly Being and Appearing will be allowed by focusing on eternity: important, not urgent matters. For example, spend more time writing an article than sewing on a button! III Progress Here, in your life’s work - your calling - a vector of development opens up. You are capable of not only masterfully doing your job, but also creating something new within it! Depending on your vocation, the progress to which you devote your life at this stage can be different: from invention to the discovery of new facets of art. Now you contribute not only to the development of yourself and others, but to the development of the structure of the world. Literally approaching co-creation with God. To receive the third initiation, a person must open up to new things. And to do this, give up the recipe lifestyle in the form of books about success, lectures about 10 steps to well-being, business plans, advice from friends, observations of “how others did it,” etc. At this level of life, you yourself create something new in your field - something that no one else has tried yet! This is the last of the three dedications of one's life to the external, which is assessed objectively and rewarded with effectiveness andmaterial benefits. Next begins the path of subjective dedications that no longer bring socialization and efficiency, but happiness! IV To the UniverseHaving the work of your life, being a master in it, a pleasant and useful person for those around you, who creates something new in your field, you, of course, have finances (if still not, then your asceticism is a serious topic for therapy). Sufficient finances to discover the world. It is to discover the delights of the world, and not just check in on “pop tours” to the cheapest and equally disgusting hotels, doing only savings and not pleasure! The second rule of self-organization will help you devote yourself to the universe: “Did I learn anything new today? " We are not talking about erudition, which is an accumulation of dust from old books poured into the head. Remember: after passing the third initiation, a person no longer uses “recipes”. You should understand the world in a new way, feel what it really is! And start, of course, with traveling - so that not from books, but from personal experience, you can learn about God’s creation and (most importantly!) begin to get a lot of pleasure from it. At every moment of time. If you are on the right path, you will very soon feel that God is not just someone out there... God is the place where everything is and where we come from! From this moment on, the world around takes on a new meaning: that same kingdom on earth...V For others, on this path you need to finally free yourself from questions of good and evil. But do not draw the sign of Tao and, filled with philosophy, mix the understanding of black and white into mud! And accept as a truth that people are not equal; they are often at completely different levels of development: seven towards “black initiations” and seven towards “white” ones. Therefore, until now you have come across strange individuals who not only do not want to go to the light (it is unbearable for everything that they are trying to hide in the darkness), but also trying to destroy you morally and not only! When you meet them, you should not be overwhelmed and killed, descending to black initiations. Rather, become a magician who turns even the most ossified bastard into an assistant and well-wisher. Because there is always a bright side of the coin! And if you turn the other side this way, he will have no choice but to respond to you from a position of light. To do this, it is enough to learn to communicate love and respect (and not argument and war). These are resources that are valued above any others: money, benefits, time and swearing. benefits (therefore, all European marketing is built on respect and love for each client, in gratitude for which he will buy anything)! If in the second initiation you showed the path only to those who wished, then now there are no enemies and ill-wishers. There are simply those who play dark games, but for love and respect they will willingly help or not interfere! It is worth learning to make good out of evil, because sometimes there is nothing else to make it from (from the novel “All the King’s Men”). VI To the Spirit An ancient scripture found in the Nag Hamadi library says: “God is inside you and all around you... Split the tree , lift up the stone and you will find it." If the part about God around you was mastered through dedication to the Universe, then now is the time to find God within yourself! Only this is not done through understanding and expressing high truths - in this way you can only portray a spiritualized person, but not become and be one! It is necessary to include higher mental structures (see Assagioli’s model) and nothing more: you simply begin to feel and realize in a new way. But no higher mental structures will interfere with your awareness if there are still any problems in it, otherwise and outright internal garbage. The third rule of self-organization will help: “Was I happy enough?” If the answer is no: solve the problem. If it doesn’t work out, go to therapy and decide. Because without a pure and ideal psyche there is no need to delve into spirituality: it simply won’t exist! Just as there is no reflection on the rippling surface of water. What exactly is the sought-after spirituality? Meeting representatives of the other side of life.