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From the author: 2012, publication and speech at the International Dashkov Readings, Moscow Svetlana Shishkova, Ph.D. At the present stage of social development, education is turning into one of the most extensive and important areas human activity, which is closely intertwined with all other areas of social life. The ability of the education system to satisfy the needs of the individual and society for high-quality educational services determines the prospects for the economic and spiritual development of the country. At the same time, scientific research conducted in the education system is of great importance in the training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. In connection with the need for the country to transition to an innovative path of development, and to use scientific achievements in the real sector of the economy, and in order to intensify scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in universities and scientific organizations of the education system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop a state policy for the development of science and mechanisms its implementation. An important component of this problem remains the level of the future university student. So since November 2011. to March 2012 specialists of the Psychological Center “DOM”, under the guidance of Ph.D. Shishkova S.Yu. a micro-study was conducted on the topic “Portrait of a future university student using the example of graduates of the College of Automobile Transport in Moscow.” The study used the “Crystal” software package (RF patent No. 2246253 dated 02.20.2005, RF patent No. 2297178 dated 04.20.2007) Reg. Certificate No. 2003612586 Reg. Certificate No. 2007612668 Reg. Certificate No. 2009612346 dated November 27, 2003 dated June 21, 2007 dated May 8, 2009. 182 graduates took part in the program. Purpose of the study: Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the personality of future university students, with the aim of building effective psychological and pedagogical techniques in teaching students. The examination was carried out with the consent of parents and guardians. Each student was given individual conclusions based on the diagnostic results. The diagnostic results with recommendations were provided to parents and students themselves orally and in writing. The children received detailed and specific techniques aimed at developing educational motivation, developing stress resistance, revealing abilities, and strengthening volitional qualities. Individual consultations were also held for all interested parents on the development of children. Based on the results of psychophysiological diagnostics carried out at college graduation, a portrait of a future university student was drawn up. In the study, we considered three categories: 1. thinking, intelligence (M)2. emotions, feelings (E)3. will, motivation (Q) What do we mean by the concept of motivation? Here it would be quite appropriate to first examine the concept of “need”. After all, Marcus Aurelius said that human personality is determined by its needs. But a person rarely realizes his original needs. He tends to understand only the goals and actions into which these deep-seated needs turn. Any action, including attending college courses, is dictated not by the information available to the subject, not by his emotions, but precisely by his needs. Let's look at the dependence of emotions on our needs and newly received information, which helps to better understand our own and other people's feelings, the inner world of a person. “Know yourself, and you will know the world,” Socrates said. Yes, it is by knowing yourself that you can try to understand others. I would like to remind you once again that needs are associated with emotions. But it is precisely the formation of a person’s emotions that is the most important condition for his development as a person. Only by becoming the subject of stable emotional relationships, ideals (which are also understood in the study), responsibilities, and norms of behavior turn into real motives for activity. What are the needs of a future student? 1. The need to live and be secure in life. This group of needs is called vital needs.They manifest themselves in two forms - for themselves (personally) and for their loved ones.2. The need to occupy a certain place in society or in the minds of people. This need is called social needs. They are based on justice (rights and responsibilities) and also appear in two forms: for themselves (my rights) and for others (my responsibilities).3. The need to understand the world (both external and internal). This group of needs is called ideal or cognitive needs. Certain tiers of needs are obtained. The very first is vital needs, then social needs and the top - ideal needs. Accordingly, the internal hierarchy of needs of a particular person determines his personality. Remember, there was such a toy - a kaleidoscope. A tube in which from several multi-colored pieces of glass you can see an infinite variety of drawings, or from just 7 notes we hear the whole variety of music. So here too – there are only a few groups of needs and an innumerable variety of characters, temperaments, personalities, and souls. Satisfying every need requires overcoming obstacles. The specific need for overcoming obstacles was discovered by academician P.V. Simonov and named - will. An interesting fact, I.P. Pavlov noted that in some areas of activity, namely sports, art, study, will is of paramount importance. In psychology, the concept of will is considered as a person’s ability to act in the direction of a consciously set goal, while overcoming internal obstacles. After all, it is the will that always acts together with any need, strengthens it, gives it stability. With a wide variety of approaches to the study of the motivational sphere in general, the direction of A.N. Leonyev is interesting, in which he notes: “What is the only stimulator of directed activity is not the need itself, but an object that meets this need. The object of need - material or ideal, sensually perceived or given only in imagination, in the mental plane we call the motive of activity. It is this approach, in our opinion, that allows us to determine the characteristics of educational motivation in future students. Based on the results of the study, we can say the following:• The pedagogical approach to different categories of students requires different influences;• It is necessary to take into account the psychotype of the teacher, his strengths and weaknesses in the educational process;• Future students were divided into three groups according to their psychotypes: The first group 53% of future students – have weak thought and volitional processes, but at the same time they are very sensitive, emotional. Indicators from 100% actively participate M - 17% E - 68% B - 15% The portrait of such a student is as follows: unbalanced, worried, emotionally vulnerable, weak self-regulation, lives only with what is interesting to him, it is difficult to sit for a long time, he cannot always engage in mental work for a long time. The second group of 40% of future students is closed in all areas: interest, will, thinking. This is one of the most difficult categories of teenagers. Indicators of 100% actively participate M – 32% E – 34% B – 34% Portrait of such a student: indifference, insensitivity, irresponsibility, weak moral qualities, consumer attitude towards society. The third group, 7% of future students, have good volitional qualities, but their mental sphere is not formed. Indicators of 100% actively participate M - 21% E - 38% B - 41% Portrait of such a student: can set a goal, has interests, makes plans for the future, we teach, but only at our own pace, with a lot of repetitions, he absorbs the material well. The teaching staff of the college expressed great interest in the material provided, which will help them take a different look at today’s youth, at graduates, and find new methods of interaction. To solve the identified problems, the following activities can be recommended: 1. In the 2011–2012 academic year, conduct additional research aimed at.