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When they talk about the benefits of BF, they first of all compare this method with yoga. This is not surprising, since it was usually believed that only long-term and diligent spiritual practices could make it possible to consciously control those processes in the body that are usually considered automatic. And only an experienced yogi reaches such a level of spiritual development at which the body is completely under control. Such yogis could fall into a lethargic sleep, stop and restart the heartbeat and other physiological processes, show miracles of concentration and calmness, strangely go for a long time without food and water, and not get burned on coals. Of course, the capabilities of biofeedback seem less impressive when compared, but the advantage of the method is that it allows you to achieve results in a surprisingly short period of time. Say, how many years will it take before a yogi learns to change his body temperature? With biofeedback, 10-15 sessions are enough for this. However, there is a more significant difference between modern biofeedback systems and the most ancient practices of spiritual improvement - the purpose of the exercises. Yoga is a system of certain principles of human development and the acquisition of the final, highest meanings of existence. Therefore, in yoga, the effects of controlling the body and treating diseases are not the main ones, but rather side effects of long-term practices to transform consciousness! It turns out that a person who practices yoga only to improve his health is not a yogi. Only one who emerged from the captivity of the obsessive desire to be cured and found a completely different basis for practice could become a yogi. For biofeedback, the situation is most often the opposite. It is necessary to harmonize the functional systems of the body, for example, blood pressure, which, of course, does not negate the opportunity to use this experience for personal development. The goal of yoga is the transition to a higher level of consciousness and worldview, while a person must learn to manage his physiological processes. The basis of yoga is the ability to concentrate attention, but it must arise “by itself” and if it does not arise, then it is unlikely that anyone will help. With biofeedback we can teach you to concentrate in just a few lessons. For example, we can change the ratio of brain rhythms in healthy people. Increase the severity of rhythms that provide high concentration of attention and reduce the influence and power of rhythms leading to pathology. We were contacted by a woman who urgently needed to finish her PhD thesis, but as a result of prolonged stress, a problem arose. She just couldn't concentrate while working. It is known that attention is very sensitive to increased, in this case excessive, brain activation, which is observed in situations of chronic stress. As a result of completing 15 concentration training sessions, she was able to read scientific literature and work anywhere and under any distracting conditions. Those. with biofeedback, even healthy people can learn to control themselves by changing the characteristics of their brain. Both yogis and biofeedback patients must listen to their inner sensations in order to learn to distinguish which of them lead to health. In the most common state, any person experiences many physiological states, both beneficial and those leading to the development of diseases. Although, it would be more correct to say that he does not feel them, or that he feels them, but does not know about them - they are not represented in his consciousness and always remain somewhere on the periphery of attention. Of the huge number of these sensations, we know only about a few of them - those that turned out to be so strong that they were able to break into consciousness, for example, pain or joy! Usually, only a confusion of mixed sensations reaches consciousness, merging into a single blurred feeling. Our attention is occupied with solving some external everyday issues, and the picture of the internal dynamics of the state of the body.