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Girls are delicate flowers. At what point do delicate flowers cease to be flowers, but turn into “women - I can do anything”? A very sad picture. And these are the thoughts that come to my mind. Initially, this is, of course, the image of the mother herself, who can do anything. It just so happens that women in Russian villages stop their horses at a gallop and enter a burning hut. I don’t really want to justify this situation, but these are the realities of life. I recently saw a joke about this topic. Such a sad joke. Here it is - in the Soviet Union for many, many years, boys were dressed as bunnies, and girls were dressed as snowflakes. That's why boys grew up to be cowards, and girls grew up to be icicles. So, when you do something, dear women, remember that delicate flowers grow next to you. Or another version of the story with girls. As you know, dads play a primary role in the lives of their daughters. The girl always wants to be her dad's star. How she succeeds will continue to do so, affecting both her attitude to life and her relationships with the opposite sex. It often happens that a baby, and then a grown-up girl, has to go out of her way to get her dad to look at her and praise her. noticed his precious daughter. Unfortunately, in this case, only mother’s approval is not enough, this is not enough. And very often it happens that dad doesn’t know how to praise the baby, or can’t give her the attention she deserves, and so the girl spends her whole life trying to do everything to earn her dad’s approval. She studies, she tries, she achieves, she’s strong and successful, but there is no satisfaction, no praise and approval that you are “well done,” which means her uncertainty, resentment and distrust of the opposite sex are growing. And so she needs daddy’s approval and support. And it happens that a woman spends her whole life trying to get it and earn it, trying to make up for what was lost in childhood. But this is impossible to do, it is only possible to admit that everything has already happened, that one must live not for the sake of proof, but for the sake of life itself . But many ladies suffer. As for mothers, girls are now undergoing initiation much easier, better and more successfully than boys. Yes, the girls were luckier. Still, along with the pictures “a woman can do anything,” there is an opportunity to gain some women’s skills and become at least partly familiar with women’s nature. But for this, mothers also need to make a lot of effort. Remember that girls are flowers. Dear parents, let's approach raising our children wisely. This is parental wisdom. We invite those who want to work through the fears of children at the training for “Wise Parents”. Articles on the topic: Personality of the parent and the child The baby is watching Communication with children Responsibility. Consistency in upbringing. Parable for parents