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Interest in psychology today is very great, this is due to the return of humanity to its roots, to attempts to determine its purpose and meaning of existence. But the attitude is ambiguous: on the one hand, curiosity as for any fashion trend, and on the other, wariness, as a reaction to everything unknown and incomprehensible... In Western countries, it is natural for every person to have a personal psychologist, but our compatriots are extremely wary of this ... Why? In my opinion, this is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, Western psychological science is far ahead of domestic science in its development. The sequence of obtaining education and specialization in the field of psychological counseling and psychotherapy is clearly defined there; the infrastructure of the market for the provision of services of this kind has long been formed. For our society, this area of ​​scientific knowledge has become relevant over the last ten years, and we are practically experiencing a revolution in this area. Secondly, the niche that psychologists were called upon to occupy is firmly occupied by psychics, fortune tellers, etc. Moreover, the degree of people’s trust in these specialists, as practice shows, is much higher than in practical psychologists. Why? Yes, because turning to a psychologist, unfortunately, is often associated with turning to a psychiatrist. This is scary and alarming. Who wants to look crazy in the eyes of others? This is on the one hand, but on the other there is a myth that turning to a psychologist is a manifestation of weakness and one’s own powerlessness. At the same time, you also need to reveal, “bare” your soul to a stranger. And the circle is closed. So what should people do who cannot find a way out of difficult and sometimes hopeless life situations in their opinion? First of all, understand that going through crises and experiencing life’s difficulties is absolutely natural! This is due to the very nature of man and is associated with his development: overcoming difficulties, moving forward, a person matures, forms important life positions, and acquires stability. And second, a person does not always have the opportunity to independently understand his problems. And the purpose of a psychologist is to create conditions in which it will be easier for a person to see himself and his life from the outside, to understand what and why he is doing and why something succeeds and something does not. But under one condition, which is the basis of psychological help - a person's willingness to accept it from another. Because psychological help is built on trust between people. And the ability to trust another person and people is the key to healthy human relationships. Tatyana Kuroedova, consulting psychologist.