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HOW TO LEARN TO OVERCOME CIRCUMSTANCES AND TRANSFORM TRIALS INTO VICTORIES. Everything that happens to a person in life (both bad and good), he needs for something. Everything is clear with good things - we all strive for it. And we usually run away from bad things or make a lot of efforts so that bad things don’t happen to us. Moreover, different people define the concepts of “good” and “evil” differently. Meanwhile, opportunities for growth and development lie precisely in problematic situations. And this is logical - after all, we strive for the best, which means we will look for ways to get to this best. If troubles and losses occur in your life, this is often a sign that you have outgrown the level of life you are currently at and It's time to get out of your comfort zone. In psychology, the comfort zone is understood as the usual way of life, the usual values ​​and attitudes through which we evaluate people and events. This does not mean at all that the person feels good and is happy in this zone, but he is USUAL there. This is the main thing. Therefore, a person does not feel much desire to voluntarily leave his “comfort zone”. Then troubles begin to occur in his life, so that he re-evaluates his values, rethinks his actions, looks for new opportunities and paths that will give him a feeling of comfort, but at a new level of development. This means that you are ready to rise to a new, higher level. Everyone can remember a real example from life when he himself or a person close to him, having gone through a serious test, radically changed his life for the better. And then he wondered how he could have lived like this before. The main question, as usual, is “what to do?” in problematic situations. Firstly, remove the phrases “I can’t”, “this is impossible”, etc. from your vocabulary. As soon as we say them, we cut ourselves off from possibilities. Therefore, replace them with honest “I don’t want”, “I’m not comfortable”, “I’m ashamed”, “we don’t do that”, “I’m scared”, “I don’t have enough knowledge, skills”, etc. In other words, decipher exactly how you cannot, what your “impossibility” is connected with. Secondly, beware of asking yourself the question “why?”, It leads to a search for those to blame for your situation (be it a person, circumstances, God) and , therefore, to the desire to punish others, instead of changing something in your life. Thirdly, ask yourself the question “What do I need (to do, get, learn, get) to make it possible?” Focus your energy on finding opportunities. The answer to this question will open up prospects for you that you never dared to even dream about. Another very useful question is: “How can I use this?” Sometimes thinking stereotypes prevent us from noticing the obvious benefit that a particular situation brings us. It is important to be honest with yourself and not be afraid to answer uncomfortable questions. Sometimes this takes time and the help of professionals in specific areas, but it is worth it. Remember that self-flagellation and blaming others WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING in your life. And also that POWER comes from the word “I CAN”, POSSIBILITY from the word “CAN”. Change your life for the better and use troubles to your advantage.