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Read about what intuitive eating is in the previous article (Intuitive eating. Part 1). And in this one I’ll tell you how to distinguish emotional hunger from physical hunger. To understand when we really want to eat, and when food becomes a consolation, a way to receive love, relax, get distracted, rest, etc. Physical hunger comes gradually. Usually a few hours after the last meal. When they eat, it disappears. If we are really hungry, we can eat any food. And soup, and cutlets, and salad. We don't choose for a long time. It is a basic need to eat in order to survive. After all, ancient people did not choose: “We will hunt this roe deer, but not this one.” After eating, we feel satisfied and can do other things. Emotional hunger. Everything is much more interesting here. It usually appears suddenly. The time is not tied to the last meal. May occur immediately after eating. This is when I’m bored, I seem to be full, but I still want that cookie. Or I was eating an hour ago, and it’s so grey, dull outside, and I’m in a kind of depressed mood - I’ll treat myself to some cake. This type of hunger does not go away after eating - you want something else. For example, I came home from work tired, rushed to eat, and at the same time checked the children’s homework. As a result, I didn’t even notice what I was leaving inside myself, and therefore I didn’t get any pleasure from the food. And now I want something sweet, there seemed to be some chocolate candies left. I’ll have some more tea with them and watch my favorite show at the same time. Do you want a certain food? Then, walking to the refrigerator, I ask myself. What do I really want? I want to eat? If yes, then I eat salad, soup or main course. If I want exactly these buns, then this is not physical hunger, but emotional. This is my “comfort food.” And most importantly, overeating in a state of emotional hunger makes me feel guilty. I begin to scold myself, to spread rot for my weakness. The solution is to learn to distinguish between these two types of hunger. And I am able to emotionally give myself what I want directly (love, support, attention, acceptance, entertainment, etc.). And don’t try to get it indirectly through food. PS If you have any questions, ask. In the next article I’ll tell you about intuitive movement, subscribe so you don’t miss it. PPS The article used materials from the book “Intuitive Eating” by S. Bronnikova."