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The concept of a Sabotaged Child, as part of a personality, is actively used in emotional-imaginative therapy (EOT). A sabotaged child is formed as a result of prolonged traumatization and corresponding traumatic splitting. In this article I will try to outline the mechanism of the formation and functioning of this part of the personality from the position of EOT. A sabotaged child, as a part of the personality, is the result of an internal or external conflict between the rejecting/obliging parent or his introject and those real emotions, needs and desires of the child’s personality that relevant to him at this moment in his life. In the case of prolonged and insoluble suppression of emotions and needs, appropriate psychological defense mechanisms are formed - survival strategies are activated. For the Sabotage Unit, these could be precisely protest strategies – fight or flight. In the case of the third strategy known to many readers - the strategy of freezing (I pretend to be dead), an Adaptive child is formed as part of the parent with a corresponding rejection of the real self (this will be a symbiotic trauma, about which I previously published an article). In the protest model there will be strong The Persecutive Parent and the Saboteur are interconnected and even contaminated, which often manifests itself through the Sabotage pattern of behavior. So, for example, sabotage of personality development can be manifested as neurosis. An important fact is that there can be several Saboteurs, since they can be formed as a result of various traumas. Saboteurs are divided into two types: externally aggressive (protects from an external source, the persecuting parent is projected onto someone from the environment or in general onto the state, system, society, etc.) and aggressors onto themselves (aggression from one’s own persecuting parent onto the child’s part, as a powerful internal conflict). In emotional-imaginative therapy, they are described and explored the following types of Sabotage models: insubordination (Power model), Pity Model; Helplessness; Model of grievances and accusations; Devaluation (avoidance) model; Model of patience (heroic and ascetic models); Model of procrastination. The sabotaged child, as part of the pyramidal model of Tamara Petrovna Smirnova (EOT), is the result of the splitting of the Free child (creative, natural and free in its manifestations) into the Traumatized (Victim) and the Saboteur (protest). At its core, the Saboteur is a form of manifestation of the Surviving Self, according to F. Ruppert’s model, where, in the event of a traumatic experience, the psyche is split into Healthy, Traumatized and Surviving parts. Working with the Sabotage part of the client’s personality is usually very difficult, especially for novice specialists, since as always associated with deep-seated beliefs and a high level of resistance. It is important to take these factors into account in your work and, by exploring this part, treating it with warmth and respect, you can get to the Traumatized part, and by healing it, “free” the Free child from the oppression of traumatization.