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And yet the magic wand exists. When we touch our lives with it, we really begin to notice miracles. True, in order to “activate” it, It still requires certain skills. Gratitude is what opens the door to new opportunities in our lives. Now, in new energies, it is quite easy to switch to feeling gratitude simply by paying attention to what we feel, accepting any of our feelings (non-judgmentally allowing them to be), observing them, consciously choosing to feel what you want: gratitude, for example. Gratitude for everything: life, the opportunity to breathe, feel, play this interesting game about remembering your real selves, remembering yourself, first of all, as a feeling soul that lives this experience, enriching itself with the feeling of life. And all feelings are good for our soul: absorbing the entire spectrum, it does not divide them into “bad” and “good”; it gets to know itself, choosing what it likes to feel. And, of course, a feeling of gratitude is one of the most pleasant feelings in our life. We also show her what is valuable to us about her, consolidating it in our reality. And here we need to help ourselves learn to see in our life what we can be grateful for at this moment: for life itself, first of all, for the opportunity to feel it, to feel different, accepting, not running away or hiding from “negative” feelings, but completely and completely, because behind each of them there is definitely Love, if we look a little deeper at what is worth paying our attention to. There are many words in the Russian language that have interesting meanings. For example, the word upset. What could it mean? In the usual sense, a person has unpleasant feelings. But if there are now three of us (upset), but let each part of us now do something. It’s like this: let one feel her “negative” feelings, there is no need to deny or suppress them, run away or hide from them, condemn yourself for them. We have them, let’s allow ourselves, name them, accept them in ourselves, they make us alive, we feel them. The soul wants to know this experience. Let our second particle observe, as if from the outside, how this feeling will change, right before our eyes. He will be an effective observer. And let the third part realize what is good in these feelings, it will be such a conscious part of us. If we feel anger, for example, then in fact we feel our strength, energy, and if we recognize this feeling, we accept You want to direct this energy of yours to something good: creativity, for example, or the fulfillment of a desire. So it instantly transforms under our loving gaze. This is where awareness is needed - not to direct it where it is not needed, but to direct it constructively. Do not “drain” your strength anywhere, but direct it to benefit yourself. So with all feelings, behind each of them in the depths is Love, if we know how to recognize, see the advantages, this skill is very useful in life. Or envy - it simply shows our desires. Or jealousy, suggests that you need to work with a sense of value within yourself, etc., etc. All “negative” feelings are only guides on our path of knowledge and self-discovery, gratitude to them for this. And when we realize this, gratitude is born in the moment - for our awareness, for this skill of essentially managing our energy, in fact for creation in the process and new reality. What kind of new feelings and states will it be? From a different feeling, from a different level of energy, a new vision opens, new ideas, new opportunities appear, desires come true in the most unexpected way, etc. A reality arises where there is even more gratitude: “to those who have, more will be given, and from those who do not have, it will be taken away,” “whoever is faithful in small things will be placed over large things.” In all areas of our lives. Agree, without miracles, that decisions made by an upset person or made out of gratitude will be different, which means thoughts, actions and results will also be different. First learn