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Today I would like to talk to you, dear readers, about such a burning topic - kindergarten! On the Internet you can find an endless number of opinions about how useful kindergarten is, mysterious words - socialization, self-service skills, training, etc. I recently found out and was surprised that the most popular query on our forum is number 17: “Is it worth sending your child to kindergarten?” Let's try to figure it out together. Kindergartens appeared at the beginning of the 19th century - they were created so that parents of children could go to work, it is worth noting that the rest of the time no kindergartens existed. Let's look at the advantages of visiting a kindergarten: 1. Parents have their own personal time that they can spend on their own affairs, mom and dad get the opportunity to work. 2. in kindergarten the baby will make his first friends; his first independent life is full of secrets, mysteries and fun. 3. the child will learn to interact in a team when mom and dad are not around, how to react and resolve conflicts.4. In kindergarten there is training in: basic knowledge. There the baby will make his first independent discoveries - and this is great! This is why parents are so worried when sending their child to a new place, to a new team. “Anxiety is a sign of a highly developed personality.” It arises from the unknown, uncertainty. The brain draws different pictures, but what is there .. and how? This question is easy to solve by installing cameras, and then the worried parent can see at any time what is happening in the life of his beloved Chad! The heads of kindergartens answer such a request with an unequivocal NO. And why ? The question is rhetorical. Let's consider the disadvantages: 1: Diseases. When a baby leaves his beloved home and joins a new team, he will inevitably encounter various viruses; it often happens that babies often get sick. 2: Directive approach to education. In traditional, state kindergartens there is no relationship of equal partners. Children are taught to obey, sometimes breaking their personality. One day I came to pick up my daughter at kindergarten, she came out to me and forgot to go to the toilet before, the parents will understand that this is important, I tell her: “Anya, we’re going for a walk now, run to the toilet!” , then the following happens: a woman stopped her at the entrance to the group and said in a commanding voice: “don’t run, walk,” and at the same time mechanically stopped her movement, forcing her to take a step. Little things, you say? It's the little things that make up life, I'll say. Directive teaching is a phrase used to describe a teacher-centered approach to teaching as opposed to more student-centered approaches—varieties of the constructive approach, such as equity pedagogy and cooperative learning. This is a humorous example, but a telling one. In state kindergartens, you rarely see that communication with children is built on equal terms, relationships of vertical subordination predominate: the teacher is the main one - the child must obey and obey.. And who should he? And what should he? These are rhetorical questions, answer them for yourself - It will become clear to you whether you and your baby are ready to attend kindergarten. When a child comes to primary school, kindergarten, then the teacher (educator) for him is the first socially significant adult in life after his parents. We often underestimate this. And what kind of hands the child will end up in after the family, in what kind of environment, is very important. In the modern education system, the child comes last: it is not his desires and needs that are important, but the desires and convenience of the education system. This, it seems to me, is the main tragedy of the majority of educational institutions. Let’s summarize: kindergarten is great! Mom has her own free time, mom can work or relax, filling herself with strength to effectively interact with her child, giving without reserve he needs his love and attention, a mother who is in a resourceful state can do this. But there are also disadvantages.. Of course, it’s up to you to decide, let me remind you that there are no hopeless situations ? .