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Before identifying needs, of course, you need to decide on your own goals - what do you need it for? For example, if you sell cars, you won't find out what appliances your customer uses. Although questions abstracted from the product you are selling allow you to learn a lot, more on that later. So, you must have a goal. What is the goal of any seller? This is a sale! Join us! Sellers' mistakes. Many sellers start with the question, how can I help? I would like to answer this “help financially.” It is better to ask what interests your client. This will be the first step to identifying needs. Pay attention to the example below: Imagine a car dealership. The seller greets the client. “Good afternoon, manager Petrov, how should I contact you?” “Good afternoon, my name is Semyon Semenovich,” the client answers. “Wonderful, Semyon Semenovich, my name is Sergey Andreevich, what are you interested in?” By asking such a question, the seller initiates the client’s desire to think about what interests him? Joining rule. The seller introduces himself first and exactly as I indicated above. And as the conversation continues, he calls his name or first name and patronymic, depending on how the client called himself: if the client called himself by his first name and patronymic, then the seller calls himself by his first name and patronymic, if only by his first name, then the seller calls himself by his first name. During a conversation, it is important to address the client at least five (!) times by name or patronymic. The client will be pleased with this and will allow him to quickly establish contact, and, what is important, influence! The salesperson must immediately join the client in poses - mirror or completely repeat the client’s poses and gestures (only this must be done indirectly, so that the client does not think that he is being teased ), speed and manner of speech (speech defects and stuttering do not need to be repeated!). Smile, make eye contact and hum*, observe the movements of the eyes, hands, speech, pauses and raising and lowering the tone of voice, breathing. If everything I wrote about above is followed, the client will be more inclined to talk. And, let me remind you, we need to identify the client’s needs! And for this you need to have the right conversation, and not go with the flow. Have a conversation. Mistakes of sellers. Many sellers immediately after meeting begin to present their product and describe its advantages. I call such sellers “good presenters.” They can be successful only when they point their finger at the sky and meet the client’s needs, and this, you see, is a rare occurrence in sales. In order not to point the finger at the sky, you need to ask questions to the client. All kinds of questions: closing, open and alternative*, direct and indirect*. Because having a conversation means “asking questions” before making an offer and presentation of a product or service. By asking questions, a professional salesperson uncovers the client's true hidden needs. There are specific questions to ask every salesperson. These are questions that will allow you to find out how the client makes a purchasing decision, and what the client’s leading representational system is: auditory, visual or kinesthetic*. This is written in detail in the specialized literature, and I teach salespeople the skills of determining the leading representative system in my trainings - as well as identifying the client’s needs. Find out the client’s characteristics “Why,” you ask, “is it necessary to determine all this?” In order to find out based on what algorithm of actions (TOTE*) a person makes a decision. The seller’s task is to determine the TOTE and only then make an offer based on the client’s characteristics! And don’t repeat the same memorized presentation to everyone in the hope of making a sale. It is also necessary to find out who makes the purchasing decision and when the client is ready to make a purchase, because There are situations when a person was simply asked to find out about a product or service. Let’s say the husband came alone, without his wife, and she has the casting vote. Having identified this, you will no longer be making a presentation, but a sale..