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From the author: What to do during a panic attack? How to cope with an attack? A selection of a few tips. How to cope with a panic attack What to do during a panic attack? There are several methods on how to cope with a panic attack. Focus on breathing. One short breath - a long exhalation. Our task is to reduce the oxygen level. This is why it is not recommended to go out onto the balcony or open the window during an attack. Oxygen “accelerates” a panic attack even more. To saturate the body with carbon dioxide, you can breathe into a paper bag or cupped palms. Count in an unusual way. For example, add 7. Then it will look like this: 1-8-15-22-29-36 and. d. You can, on the contrary, subtract. Start looking in space for objects of a certain color and shape. For example, look for orange cars, round signs. Count how many floors the houses have. This is a good way to distract yourself from your internal state. Tense your whole body as much as possible. As soon as you relax, some of the muscle tension will go away. Alternative methods for coping with a panic attack. There is an unusual way to cope with a panic attack using the “amplification” method. During an attack, allow your anxiety to “sausage” you to the fullest. Tell yourself: “Now come on, cover me harder. Cover me to the max. I allow this panic to cover me like never before.” Once you experience and move through your maximum fear, the panic attack will subside. It is possible that you will even experience euphoria. There is also a method to reduce the fear of a panic attack between attacks, at the moment of a satisfactory state. Give yourself 15 minutes a day. Let it be the same time. For example at 19.00. At this time, you sit down and begin to concentrate on your inner state, fears and anxiety. Remember all the unpleasant bodily manifestations (trembling in the body, muscle tension, a wave of heat throughout the body, heat in the chest, etc.) and try to evoke them in yourself. Try your best to make the attack “roll.” Most likely, nothing will happen to you. A panic attack does not come as requested! But! During the day, when you feel anxiety, as if “everything is about to start,” tell yourself: “I will have time to enjoy all the delights of the attack tonight at 19.00.” Thus, you give yourself a reprieve and calm down a little. Conclusions: These tips work like an analgin tablet against headaches. The pain went away for a while, but the reason remained. The same goes for panic attacks. They are beacons of our state of mind. To completely eliminate the problem, you need to understand yourself. Author's website psysimple.ru